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Member Since:Mar 04, 2017
40 MS Points
I am studying at mnit Jaipur to complete b.tech degree.
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Best cooler
Reviewed Usha 55 Litre Honeywell CL 601PM Air Cooler
Provide clear and cold air. Its take minimum water. I use it and it is one of best cooler and its have big water tank so  no need to take tension for wRead more...
No free English channel
Reviewed Airtel Digital TV
Airtel Digital TV has good picture quality and easily finding everywhere in india but it has big problem in package service, it has not good recharge package,Read more...
Only online service
Reviewed Jio4GVoice
Jio4gvoice is needed for calling and messaging to jio sim if your phone is not in 4g jio service. But it has number of problem, I face problem many times wheRead more...
Complete music album
Reviewed JioMusic
Jiomusic is also good application of jio company. It contains almost all songs and easily searchable. I listen daily songs on jiomusic and I like it very mucRead more...
Not have all famous movie
Reviewed JioCinema
It is also good application of jio company with movies like bollywood, hollywood, tollywood and also old shows like comedy night with kapil and many more but Read more...
Only one app for all tv channel
Reviewed JioTV
It is application under jio apps, free subscription for jio prime member.it is good application for watching television on mobile. There are almost all televiRead more...
India's great movie
Reviewed Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Baahubali 2: the conclusion is best epic movie of all time in this world, it is second part of baahubali the beginning and complete all wish as after part oneRead more...
No value of cars
Reviewed The Fate of the Furious (Fast 8)
Amazing, superb, biggest action have in a movie which call fast and furious. Its eight part fate of furious is the best part among all part in action but it Read more...
Moderate headphone
Reviewed JBL C300SI On-Ear Dynamic Wired Headphones
JBL C300SI on ear dynamic wired headphone is a good headphone. It provides nice sound with good bass. It has one problem that this is painable for ears whenRead more...
Entertaining and mood fresher
Reviewed Motu Patlu
Motu Patlu is one of the best cartoon show. It has superb graphics and good character. It is base on a indian town or city,  in the show 6 main character, motRead more...
Nice movie but not as your wish
Reviewed xXx: Return of Xander Cage
It is a good movie but it cant be performed as peoples hope. First time Deepika padukone has performed a hollywood movie and her role is good. It Read more...
Superb mobile
Reviewed Coolpad Note 3 Lite
It is a superb mobile which have a lot of function, it have a good ability to connect wifi and network, it has fingerprint system which keep your mobile privaRead more...
Night friend
Reviewed Ola Cabs
Firstly I want to say, ola cabs is very helpful in night and for those who are new for the city. On october 2016, I went jaipur railway station from mnit jaiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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