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Member Since:Jan 31, 2018
650 MS Points
I'm always keep calm.. and write well
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Worst smart watch
Reviewed Noise Loop Smartwatch
I have used a lot of smart watch but this watch is worst. Noice loop smartwatch have many problem that I face through day to fay uses. This watch is looking Read more...
Worst private Bank
Reviewed Axis Bank
This is one of the costliest bank in India. This is a private sector bank. This bank offered various type of service to the customers of the bank, but the serRead more...
Worst mobile
Reviewed Reliance JioPhone
Some months ago jio launch this mobile for jio users but this the worst mobile I have ever seen in my experience. Various types of problem is occered with thiRead more...
Great service
Reviewed Amazon Transportation Services
Amazon is one of the biggest name of our country and they give jobs for there transportation services. The average service of the working boys is quite good Read more...
Stylish but not reliable
Reviewed Yamaha YZF R15 S
This is one of the femous bike of yamaha. Last year I perchesed from a yamaha show room. I used it for last one Year and have a decent experience over this biRead more...
Nothing Reliable
Reviewed LG 1.5 Ton 4 Star BSA18BEYD Inverter Split AC
LG is very trusted company for manufacturing AC . But this product is worst in my opinion because last 3 months the cooling is becoming useless. This companyRead more...
Nothing special from Xiaomi
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 5A 16GB
In present days the Redmi 5A is very cheap but various features smartphone. The sound reception is decent in this phone. The speakers ar quite loud and clearRead more...
Awesome Movie
Reviewed Pad Man
One of the best movie of Akshay Kumar. Yesterday I went to watch this movie with my friends and I really enjoyed it. The plot of this movie is awesome in my Read more...
Very old but Not so good
Reviewed BSNL Broadband
BSNL is one of the biggest broadband service in India. Nowadays fast Internet is used everywhere. BSNL is quite fast compare with other broadband services. ItRead more...
Average network capability
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Nowadays in Eastern and Northern side of India used this network very much. This is 3rd Highest grossing cellular company in market right now. I also used thiRead more...
Good but not the best
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Airtel is the biggest cellular network operator in India. In turms of network coverage this is the best network in my opinion. I used it for last 3 years and Read more...
Worst cellular network
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
Aircel is one of the biggest cellular network operator in India. But this network have some good and bad things. The network coverage of this operator is worRead more...
Awesome performance and camera
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A1
Xiaomi Mi A1 is one of the best smart phone in market in present days in a mid range budget. Xiaomi attached a good quality sound speaker and the sound qualiRead more...
Nice hall and good atmosphere
Reviewed Ajanta Cinema Hall - Behala - Kolkata
I went this cinema hall twice with my family and friends and I have a very good experience over this cinema hall. Because it provides a very good facilities cRead more...
Best Bank
Reviewed Bank of India
This is one of best bank in India. This bank is provided a very good service to their customers. I am also a customer of bank of india and Im very happyRead more...
Bad company
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
Luminous is very bad inverter and ups made company. I bought a inverter for my home and the performance of this product is not good. This is not provide a gooRead more...
Health lifestyle
Reviewed Tips on Health and Fitness
Nowadays we all need to maintain our body for various types of occasion or healthy life. For that we want gym centers and try to fit our body and maintain ourRead more...
Sovan Bajaj Review
Reviewed Sovan Bajaj - Damodar Pur - Contai
Sovan Bajaj is placed in contai, east Medinipur.This is a authorized Bajaj bike dealing shop.I went in this shop last month but didnt satisfied with theRead more...
Good but not great
Reviewed C M Automobiles - Kishorenagar - Contai
C M Automobile in contai is very good dealer on hero motor bikes. They provide good service in bike servicing. The owner of this bike dealership center is veRead more...
Best car in 10L price range
Reviewed Toyota Etios Cross 1.4 VD
This is one of the best car in my opinion. This car have very good features. Toyota provide so much glossy color in this car. The leg room of this car is verRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Saiful Mondal (@Saiful743401MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunny Bansal (@VIJAY_SALESMouthShut Verified Member)
TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
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Suraj Kumar (@suraj_pandit86MouthShut Verified Member)
Sameer Verma (@sameervermaytMouthShut Verified Member)
Satish A (@iamSatishMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
Star Health (@Star_HealthMouthShut Verified Member)
chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)