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Member Since:Jan 30, 2017
180 MS Points
Guys i only give reviews of items which i have used.. whether that product is with me or my friends.. only genuine revies no fake reviews. i dont want to fool u guys
About Me
Education: pursuing diploma in civil engineering
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The best scooter
Reviewed Honda Activa
Honda activa is a very nice scooter. this is a very good scooter for the family use we can utilize very much space in this bike. we can easily take grocery anRead more...
Honest review on this bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma R
Hero honda karizma is the good bike it has good power to weight ratio pickup is awesome I love this bike this produces near 20 bhp and a torque of 19 nm so I Read more...
Its a pretty good bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Passion Pro
Guys why you guys are saying that this is not stylish in your reviews. by the way this is not performance oriented bike. this is the bike made for using dailyRead more...
Big blast package..
Reviewed Suzuki Gixxer
Suzuki gixxer is an awesome bike which looks great lines on the bike is awesome. bike looks muscular and sporty. and guys this bike is powerful as well. it iRead more...
It is the racing horse....
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
This is the bike which personally I like the most. truly wonderful. so much refined engine and there are no vibration up to 6000 rpm. mileage is good it givesRead more...
Truly a very good bike...
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Plus
Guys this is the bike which will never let you down whatever season it may be it works awesome. and hero has given the most reliable engine and that engine isRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar RS 200
No introduction for the awesome bike. which is truly performance oriented bike full fared. and guess what it is also fuel injected and it produces 24.3bhp aweRead more...
Fantastic bike..
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 180
Pulsar 180 is an awesome bike. looks is awesome. and engine is very good in this bike. engine is much reliable. this bike is fast and has a good top speed alsRead more...
Sexy queen of all...
Reviewed Yamaha R15
See this bike is an premium among all other 150cc bikes. because of its sportier looks. and it is performance and track oriented bike. mileage is low in its sRead more...
Royal enfield is royal....
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic 350
Guys has name itself tells has it is royal bike. this bike has a good craze among youngsters, very nice bike. engine displacement is 350 cc. and being its 350Read more...
Truly a very good cruiser
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger
Firstly my friend own this bike. I have ridden this bike. bike is very good for touring. bike doesnt get u tired when you are on long rides. this bike has a vRead more...
Really a very good mobile
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
This mobile is awesome and totally it is an value for money deal. looks wise also it is very great. it looks premium when u hold in your hands. and screen isiRead more...
No introduction for the #Beast
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220 F
This bike is awesome. why because it has an outstanding performance.in city and also in highway. u can smoke almost all bikes in its segment. mileage is decenRead more...
Really a good bike.. why read this my review
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTSi
First of all Bajaj is the first Indian company to launch performance bikes. coming to pulsar 150 dtsi, this bike is a very handy and comfortable bike. and perRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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