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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Nov 14, 2017
280 MS Points
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Education: Diploma ( DMLT )
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Tips on the use of Baby Diapers
Reviewed Tips on the use of Baby Diapers
Hi I will tell some useful tips on the use of Baby Diapers. Choose the right kind of nappy Make sure your nappies are suitable for newborns Stock up in advRead more...
I like it....
Reviewed LG P7555R3FA 6.5 kg Semi Automatic Top Loading Washing Machine
I had bought a LG P7550R3FA washing Machine from Sathya Agencies in Nagercoil on October 19th 2017 for Rs.9, 650/-(No.174209099) Now its one month finish. It Read more...
Damage wheel
Reviewed Sky Bags
I had bought a Skybag trolley bag for Rs.4323/-. Before buying the sales executive had told me that the product will be having 3 years international warranty Read more...
Bad Service
Reviewed Amazon
Absolutely awful customer service. Order was out of stock. I was order sudithar by online in Amazon on 13th October.They are send message in my email, they wiRead more...
Perfect Companion
Reviewed Sony 2 Tb External Hard Drive
I am using this Product from last few months and earlier I was using a Sony 1 TB HDD, and had to buy a 2 TB for storing more. Sony Provides a perfect service Read more...
Fake Fake Fake....
Reviewed Earn Money - Video &s
Friends I request all of you please dont install this App its completely fake app. After earning 27.8$ the app is really not working. I am gettingRead more...
Customer service is not professional
Reviewed Fast Track Taxi
I booked fast track taxi on 10th september at 4.00pm. They gave me the driver details. But the driver was 12 kms away from our place. so he cancelled the bookRead more...
Rose Garden
Reviewed Ooty
Hi I visited Ooty last summer holiday in 2014 and I was 3 days trips with my family. Though I already visited Ooty back in 2007 as before marriage with my friRead more...
Wonderful movie
Reviewed Aramm
Hi Recently I saw this movies. This is wonderful movie and what guts from Nayanthara to take a subject such as this and just waltz through it! Cantt talRead more...
Reviewed Lakme Perfect Radiance Skin Lightening Foundation
I was very excited to try this foundation because I generally love Lakme as a brand, and I like their Perfect Radiance skin range. I liked the idea of a fairnRead more...
Good Quality and price
Reviewed Vincero Watches
I bought this watch for myself, as I personally dont like petite womens watches. I was very impressed with this watch. it does not look feel too lRead more...
Bad service
Reviewed IFB Neptune DX
I have purchase the ifb dishwasher 3 months before and form last two months it is not working properly, for that I am tired of complaining about it. The prodRead more...
Good product
Reviewed Philips HD7431/20 Coffee Maker
This is a good make product from philips. I am aslo using my home. However the flow of hot water is way too high that does not give enough brewing and slow peRead more...
It is Suber Delicious
Reviewed London Dairy Ice Cream
Today I am going to share my personal experience with the London Dairy Ice Cream. Its very tasty ice cream. My babys are like too much, when they are coRead more...
Gold Winner Refined Sunflower oil
Reviewed Gold Winner Refined Sunflower Oil
Hi Guyes .Are you making sunflower oil with sun flower seeds.? If yes, where do you get that much of sunflower seeds? One survey is telling that we cannot supRead more...
Tata sky
Reviewed Tata Play
Hi, I am a customer migrated from reliance big tv to tatasky. A1 month ago technician came to install. For my surprise he came only with set top box. RechargeRead more...
Nandini Serial
Reviewed Nandini TV Series
Nandini serial is a good serial in sun tv . My baby are like watch this serial, they will never miss this serial. How spoke to seetha in nandhini serialRead more...
CPS Global School
Reviewed CPS Global School - Ponamallee - Chennai
Here is a notice. the school has increased the fee. They may not have informed you in advance and would take you by surprise in the month of March when the adRead more...
Good Banking Service
Reviewed State Bank Of India
It was good experience with SBI so far and I did not find any issues with this bank till date. Facilities are also good in SBI. I hold a salary account with SRead more...
Boring Serial
Reviewed Deivamagal
Deivamagal is very much boring and gives very much irritation. For example Sathias angry towards Prakash is not tolerable and the happening in the hospiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Goel (@deegees11MouthShut Verified Member)
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