Category Expert
Celebrity Writer
Star Writer
I am evil. DO NOT like me. No, DON’T. Stop.

. Thoughts that regulate my life...

God created human shit. And then he created the concept of college education.

An eye for an eye may make the whole world blind but unarguably it’d make the game of chuppan-chuppi more exciting. Much more exciting.

My only true bitch in life...
my dell lappy

My favorite food in life...
REAL-Milk-powered Cadburys

My favorite milk...
donkey milk

My favorite pet...
brown african monkeys

My favorite book...
Gay Voyages of Dr. Dolittle(totally kills Dr. Seuss)

My favorite pasttime...
doing nothing. absolutely nothing.

My hero in life...

My mission in life...
to hate you

If hardwork is simply increasing your luck in life, I’d have to say I believe in neither. Really.