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West Bengal
Member Since:Jun 25, 2017
2360 MS Points
I am a student
About Me
Education: Pursuing Graduation from a renowned central univer
Food and Drinks: Biriyani, Lassi
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It's Formal Design Is Not So Attractive
Reviewed Gio Collection Watches
You can assume from the title of this review what I want to say. This watch is pretty not good. Just by looking its photos we can say that it has a desiRead more...
It Does Not Has Self Start Option
Reviewed Bajaj Platina 125
Bajaj is a very known motor bike company. They make one of the India`s famous bike Pulsar. Bajaj Pulsar has many models. Bajaj Discover s also a well known moRead more...
Best for travelers as it is very handy
Reviewed Canon EOS 6D Mark II
Canon is a very famous company. It is one of the major camera producer in the world. We watch the advertisements of Canon cameras on TVs . But there is a thinRead more...
This Rice Cooker Is Not As Good As It`s Picture
Reviewed Zojirushi Ns-Waq18 1.8 L Electric Cooker
Zojirushi electric cooker is a rice cooker. By it`s name we can guess about this product that it is not an Indian product. As it is not an Indian that not meaRead more...
Delicious Taste Of Elaichi
Reviewed Anmol E-Time Elaichi Biscuits
Anmol is a good known name in biscuit industry. But it`s products are not very good for why this company does not make themselves famous and could not make thRead more...
Good For Mp3 And Mp4 Playing
Reviewed Sony Walkman NWZ-B142F
Sony walkman is a sound device. It is not a very new device. And not very old. I am gonna tell you about sony walkman nwz-b142f. I t is a very good device. BeRead more...
It Stops Working Within Two Weeks Of Using
Reviewed Vero CN-Z01 10 Cups Coffee Maker
Vero is a coffee maker. And today I would share my true experience of vero cn z01 coffee maker. One of my friend bought it 2 months ago. The product which he Read more...
Best For International Payment
Reviewed PayPal
Paypal is an international payment gateway. It is a very renowned company. If you work online then definitely you would know Paypal. You might use it or not bRead more...
New And Updated OLX Website Misses The Mark-Compl
Reviewed Olx
What a shame! OLX used to be an efficient, highly effective, user friendly, web platform for buying and selling. In a number of ways, it`s functionality surpaRead more...
Great Performance
Reviewed Mi Max 2 64GB
Xiaomi is a chinese mobile manufacturer. But Xiaomi does not manufacture just mobile. It also manufacturer many other items like power banks, laptops, routersRead more...
Very Good Service
Reviewed Biryanibykilo
Raise your hand if you are a Biryani lover like me. Biriyani is one of the most famous foods. But many do not know how to cook biriyani. And many people don`tRead more...
They would break your belief
Reviewed Paidverts
Paidverts is a PTC site. Ptc site means where you can earn money by seeing advertisements. Paidverts is one of them. Here you can earn money but very little. Read more...
Value for money laptop
Reviewed HP Pavilion 15 P028TX
HP Pavilion 15 PO28TX is a very good laptop. It equipped with 4 GB RAM(5400 rpm) and 3 MB of cache memory. It has a big 1 TB SATA hard drive. It`s hard drive Read more...
Keep changing your password time to time
Reviewed Tips on Internet Banking
Internet banking makes our payments easy. You not to travel with a credit card or debit card. You can make your payments by simply login into your internet baRead more...
Never believe on suspicious offers by untrusted s
Reviewed General Tips on Online Shopping
In our modern days online shopping is a trending topic. So here I want to aware you from online frauds. Sometimes untrusted sites give attractive offers but yRead more...
Customer care is not good
Reviewed Snapdeal
I have many bad experience with shopclues. Thats why I have rated shopclues as very bad. Late delivery. Customer service is not good. They should improve theiRead more...
Below average
Reviewed Shopclues
I have not get good service from shopclues. I expected good from it but their products are very cheap. Customer care is not good. Their refund policy is very Read more...
Awesome experience
Reviewed Flipkart PVT LTD
Whenever I shopp on Flipkart I feel good. Because its products are same as listed on site. They deliver products very fast. And one of the best thing thRead more...
Hard to use
Reviewed Ebay
Ebay is one of the most famous shopping portal in this whole world. But their service is very bad. Their customer support is not good. Their website and mobilRead more...
Compressor is not good
Reviewed Videocon 290L Multi Refrigerator
Videocon is a well known company in India. They manufacture electrical equipments. Videocon 290L multi fridge is not good product. It consume excessive power.Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Aaditya Sain (@SimplilearnMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Guneet Singh (@GuneetgstarMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ramesh Panduranga (@rameshpanduranga98MouthShut Verified Member)
Akash Gupta (@gakash240MouthShut Verified Member)
Sameer Verma (@sameervermaytMouthShut Verified Member)
ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
Sohail Khan (@arshad000MouthShut Verified Member)
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Riyaz Alam (@mdriyazalamMouthShut Verified Member)
Raghul Rajan (@ragh1489MouthShut Verified Member)
Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 14
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)