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West Bengal
Member Since:Oct 15, 2007
0 MS Points
The Guy next door.... Driving, travel and these days trying my hand @ photography!!! still taking my baby steps! :-)
About Me
Food and Drinks: Eat to live..nothing specific..rather anything veggieBooks: AnythingMovie Stars: Sorry!!! wrong question, but I like class actors, Nazirudheen shah, anupam kher, om puri etcMovies: Oh!! No!! another one... but I like movies like The Troy, Gladiator, Brave Heart, Cast away etcT.V. Shows: Third one!!! :-) But I like friends, most of NGC and Discovery channelsMusic: Anything that is soothing, these days kind like chinease slow music he he he he Quotes: Waves r my inspiration. Not becos they rise and fall but becos each time they fall they rise again!!
Food and Drinks: Eat to live..nothing specific..rather anything veggie
Books: Anything
Movie Stars: Sorry!!! wrong question, but I like class actors, Nazirudheen shah, anupam kher, om puri etc
Movies: Oh!! No!! another one... but I like movies like The Troy, Gladiator, Brave Heart, Cast away etc
T.V. Shows: Third one!!! :-) But I like friends, most of NGC and Discovery channels
Music: Anything that is soothing, these days kind like chinease slow music he he he he
Quotes: Waves r my inspiration. Not becos they rise and fall but becos each time they fall they rise again!!
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Reviewed Tips on Auto Loans
State Bank of India, Indian Banking behemoth, Yes they are changing. Let me tell you my experience with them when I have opted them for an auto loan. Day 1 Read more...
Experience with SBI Car Loan
Reviewed Best Car Loans
A Happy XPS Customer
Reviewed Dell XPS M1330
I have picked up a dell XPS after almost 3 months of research on different laptops available currently. Initially I have been thinking of picking up a ToshibaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on kewl_dude's review
BTW one more thing, you sure that you have not pumped in petrol instead of diesel right? It is unlikely... but just to cross confirm.....
See, you can surely ask Koyenco to rebuild the vehicle free of cost if you can prove it is their fault. Possible reason for fire is a short circuit+ oil that is spilled over+cotton waste in your bonnet during service. You can check Team-BHP site. This site would be really helpful for you.
Commented on sridharbt's review
This is the same place I was talking about in the other review. Looks like there are happy customers for this pump around which reconfirms that they are good and I did not make any mistake in my judgment! :-)
Commented on own review
I have actually made a draft of my experience... but am just waiting for my DD. May be in a day or 2 I would be having it. I thought I will combine my last day experience also along with it so that it would be very useful for the readers.
Commented on a.rouf's review
My Furnace Red hot beauty is about to arrive. I have seen this car very closely with my cousine. Trust me this a stunner package!!!! I feel the car and I will surely pen down my experience with this beauty machine soon. It can be rated as an initial ownership review and for sure, I will give away an Read More...
Rated on a.rouf's review
Commented on uniwear's review
I am not too sure whether the things have changed in last 1.5 yrs. Now I have taken a car loan from SBI which was absolute hassle free. But the only thing is that they are not as fast as provate banks. I actually had a issues with private bank like HDFC and I did pen down about in the same forum. In Read More...
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
Thats true...For me I have used the Dell for quite sometime, and they always come with latest OS available. Unfortunately you dont have many options with Dell as far as OS is concerned. But my plan is as long as my warranty is valid, I will hang around with VISTA and shift to XP once it expires. I h Read More...
Commented on SumitRoychowdhury's review
Thank for the update. But I guess this one off incident that has happened. I have been associated with IDBI bank more than 3 year and I have never encountered any of such problems. Probably I have a corporate account with this bank. I have always been welcomed with a pleasant smile and detailed expl Read More...
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