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Member Since:Mar 09, 2016
257 MS Points
I am crazy in love....
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90s racing bike
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
All ages loves this yamaha rx100, superb stylish and the sound beat awesome still hear if you think about yamaha rx100, I am also using yamaha rx100 model 199Read more...
Especially for childs
Reviewed Pogo TV
Pogo means we just asume as a graphics for childhood.I am 29 old, if you watch continuosly one hour pogo telivision you also go back to childhood really funnyRead more...
Entertainment channel in Tamilnadu
Reviewed Star Vijay
The star vijay telivision programes was awesome.No words to say.Really fantastic, I watch some of programs like connection people, super singer, athu ithu ethRead more...
One of the secure bank in india
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I am the client of ICICI bank more than 3 years.So many times I went to ICICI bank near my native, ICICI staffs are good carrying and responsible.So many timeRead more...
No courage while in city also
Reviewed MTS Mobile Operator
I used MTS for 3 month.Really I fed about this network.3G network was working as a 2G network.I complained so many times to the customer care but no response.Read more...
Marriage bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Pro
Hero honda splendor bike is very safe to drive, from the age of eighteen to 70 loves this hero honda splendor bike because its gives good mileage, engine sounRead more...
Buying and Selling is best site
Reviewed Ebay
Ebay is the one of the fast and secure website in the world.I am the client for ebay.I bought so many things in the ebay website it was very good.It comes fasRead more...
One time watch
Reviewed Gethu
Movie was good.Hero was different role.Vikranth action was different.Loving scenes was simply good.No comedy that was very bored, Thrilling is going well and Read more...
Ruff use mobile phone
Reviewed Nokia 1110
One of my best phone in my life.I used more than 5 years as a secondary phone really still working good.Battery backup was awesome more than 3 days.I really lRead more...
Awesome title for this movie
Reviewed Pichaikkaran
Pichaikkaran movie was really simply superb.My expectation more than that in this movie.Perfeclty title was match for this movie.I really enjoyed for Two and Read more...
Iphone means friendly user
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6
My favorite mobile means iphone because I started to use my iphones version from 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S and now currently I am using iphone 6 it was very good and Read more...
Airtel sucks money
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Airtel is worst.Money sucker after 4G just mobile net pack was ON within an hour net balance was in zero and without my permission sucks main balance also, soRead more...
About vodafone courage
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Vodafone network was really good becoz I started to use my mobile from the year of 2008 to till date as airtel network, couple of month before 4G started in aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on abishekkhadka589's review
I like this review very much.it was very nice experience and also good review.
Rated on harsh007singhaniya's review
Rated on mypaisa's review
Commented on mypaisa's review
Very good review.
Rated on deepak000's review
Commented on deepak000's review
Really this film was time pass.
Rated on haseebee's review
Commented on haseebee's review
I like your review.
Rated on roger_sat's review
Commented on roger_sat's review
Nice review for sharing thank you.
Rated on sudhirdec5's review
Commented on sudhirdec5's review
One of the best scooter, thanks for your review.
Rated on crazy_scorpion's review
Commented on crazy_scorpion's review
Very oldest phone.
Rated on enricrowan's review
Commented on enricrowan's review
Thanks for your good review.
Rated on sumitmeel3's review
Commented on sumitmeel3's review
Once upon a time.
Rated on manu_pillay2000's review
Commented on manu_pillay2000's review
Thanks for your review.
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