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Member Since:Feb 01, 2016
150 MS Points
Just want to help people spend their hard earned money on valuable products rather than spending on good for nothing products..
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Brilliant portrayal
Reviewed Neerja
I also love movies including rescue and situations like thatthat so I very much liked this movie which is based on a true story of an Indian girl(Neerja BhanoRead more...
Leo is awesome....
Reviewed The Revenant
The movie is all about survival and struggle.When everyone.thinks Clas(Leo) is dead he emerges with a mission.The movie is well portrayed and is a treat for yRead more...
Too good...
Reviewed Audio Technica ATH-CLR100 In-Ear Earphones
I will keep this review short and apt due to time constraints. First things first I bought this a year back at RS 500/-(approx.), for the price I was expectinRead more...
Reviewed Ringing Bells Freedom 251
So yes I have decided to share some of my own views and opinions on the recently launched mobile which is even cheaper than a 8gb storage device.So the first Read more...
Motorola's silver lining...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G
Its been 1 and half years since I am using this phone and I must say that it is quite good but not the best. My redmi 1s is better than this but nothing can Read more...
A movie with a message
Reviewed Fight Club (1999)
I watched it yesterday and I must say its just a masterpiece. The movie is about a insomniac who is about to complete his house with the right stuff and the nRead more...
Could be much better...
Reviewed Dumb and Dumber To
This movie has it share of laughs and plenty too but imho the first part was better though this movie was fun to watch and jim carrey is the best ever. The mRead more...
Redefining Budget...
Reviewed Letv Le 1S
I got it in the first flash sale itself and I was a bit worried as the brand name is unknown in India but when I got it and rigorously tested it it for 2 odd Read more...
The little BEAST....
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 1S
Its been 1.5 or slightly more years since I am using redmi 1s and I must say it was an awesome product back then and still today its performance is awesome.I Read more...
Kwid 2016 model Initial Impressions as an owner
Reviewed Renault Kwid
Lets not elaborate on the looks as most of you know its awesome.Even with four onboard it does not feel like a 800 cc car its just smooth.The engine noise outRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on fazilkhn4's review
#v_vks...I hope you are being sarcastic if not u need to get your eyes checked.
Commented on anilpanwar95's review
A sturdy built product with great functionality.
Commented on rohitboyat998's review
A good device with decent specs compared to the price.
Commented on tejarajini956's review
Just root your device,use greenify that's the way you tame your beast....
Commented on ankitguhesmailbox's review
It's good for the price but duster 4x4 is better for offroading..
Commented on jairam24jr's review
Really good for the price though battery drains very fast.
Commented on anishmelvin097's review
Dude Samsung products are mostly overpriced and I am bored of their ram hogging touchwiz....It's BORING.
Commented on samiravadia's review
I know how good it is...I have taken a test drive and I can say that it's a worthy contenteder to the old innova.
Commented on sachin4106's review
For me it works decent enough and gets my job done so I give it a thumbs up.
Commented on vorugantisai's review
It may or may not be a scam but they said in an interview on ndtv on national TV that their product is genuine and for the better.At last only time will tell.....
Commented on own review
#vorugantisai-their earlier product's delivery is going to start on 24 the Feb I guess after the delivery only we can know about its performance.
Followed vorugantisai
Commented on PratyayDutta's review
I am loving my young SUV...its great
Commented on anupvish12's review
Best PS ever I still remember when I used have loads of fun with mine but sold it 2 years back....
Commented on hkhatri50's review
My mom just loves her activa and I like it's sturdy build and pickup too...
Commented on CommonDevoloper's review
I have it and it's just awesome with brilliant sound and great battery life.
Commented on Aman977's review
Ugly looking car with decent price to performance ratio....
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