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Member Since:Aug 04, 2017
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Vivi v5
Reviewed Vivo V5
The most affordable phone I have evered seen my brothers friend has gifted this phone to my brother I had used this phone for 2-3 days this phone has beRead more...
Best phone ever
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S8+
One of my favrate phone which I had purchased 3 days ago the osm phone I ever seen the best performance its sound quality is the best from other phone it is bRead more...
Perfect for mens
Reviewed Nivea Men Fresh Power Boost Deodorant
The osm produvt by nivea the look of the nivea men dresh power boosting bottle is to much spark which make it more attractive thus deodrant helps to control tRead more...
Good towards the delibrity
Reviewed State Bank Of India
I am glad to have my experience about the state bank of India the banking has more facilities like net banking .phone banking . other facilities like ATM servRead more...
Near by Hotel
Reviewed Kasturi cottage - Pune
This hotel is more near to the pune city . which can make it more efficent to transport or to travel .the room in the cottage is luxrious with all nececary anRead more...
Attractive look
Reviewed HP Pavilion 15-AB516TX Notebook
The laptop consisting hd display with stylish look .which make us more curious about it and ot core processor is also good which make it more fast and smooth Read more...
Carrer start
Reviewed National Swimming Association - Kolkata
The national swimming associtation is one of the best acedamy to start sport carrer which who loves and want to be a sportman they provide personal tranning wRead more...
Best car of comfort
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Celerio
I think this car is the best car in the India . it can be afford by anyone its special feature is I can play comfort and time consuming and effective. the carRead more...
Best affordable bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Plus
The bike is most effective in milage its giving average up to 70 km per liter the best part is the comfort the seat is comfortable to all n the height is perfRead more...
Jagga jasus
Reviewed Jagga Jasoos
Best movie with charming artist rangveer kapoor and sexest katrina kaif . bestt movie with memorable story cute combination of both n have ever loving story .Read more...
Best product ever
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 4GB RAM
This type of phone I have ever seen .most important fact is that it has best porcessor with highly efficent ram with 4 gb. the most important factor of this pRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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