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Member Since:Jun 09, 2012
30 MS Points
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Worst review and recommendation..
Reviewed 10Paisa
None of the recommendations in last 4 months have gained .all are in loss. Wasted RS 4000 by subscribing. If you dont believe me then send me a mail andRead more...
Worst product...dont waste money on this
Reviewed Pureit Ultima RO+UV Water Purifier
Worst product ever made by any company to fool people. Never buy this product.Its costly, useless and made to fool people. I did a blunder and recommend otheRead more...
Worst Service !!!! Horrible Customer Care
Reviewed Karvy Group
KARVYONLINE is the worst service provider. When the entire world goes paperless these idiots have glued themselves with age old Paper work. When you open an Read more...
Avoid It
Reviewed Winners Academy Computer Institute-Bangalore
The worst place to learn! The instructor makes lot of blunders in pronunciation. You can judge him from the 1st line he speaks in English. E.g. he pronounces Read more...
Best in class, looks can be better
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
Its the 6th yr I am using Apache. The 1st Apache was bought for my younger brother before 6yrs. It was Apache 160 RTR. It was giving mileage of 53 kmpl and waRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on abu0022367288's review
Pureit is a worst product from uniliver...never buy this product
Followed deardeepu
Commented on vinod1997's review
Karvy has worst service. To change a mobile no. they will take a month or months. When the entire world goes paperless these morons are still following age old paper work. Useless people good for nothing are customer care reps. in KARVY!!
Rated on arunkpsgmech's review
Commented on venkat999's review
The worst place to learn!!! The instructor makes lot of blunders in pronunciation. You can judge him from the 1st line he speaks in English. E.g. he pronounces 'is' as ISSH and not 'iz', similarly 'disease' as 'decease'. so you can understand what sense he makes with his stupid English. Better avoid Read More...
Rated on venkat999's review
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