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Member Since:Jan 31, 2016
551 MS Points
I'm a bachelor currently living in New Delhi
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Flop piece by Oneplus
Reviewed OnePlus X
I had a bad experience by this useless model by Oneplus. Here are the cons which everyone should keep in mind before purchasing this box. The design makes thRead more...
A bit disappointed by lenevo
Reviewed Lenovo K3 Note
After purcashing this smartphone online I regretted my decision, and was a bit disappointed. After 1 week of use I found many cons about the product among whiRead more...
Disappointing in Rs 20000 range
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe X3
After purchasing this smartphone at 20000/- INR from Amazon I was regretting that I wasted my 20000 bucks for this useless box. The disappointing features areRead more...
Surprised by Oneplus 3
Reviewed OnePlus 3
The first thing which you feel when you unbox the device is the built quality, its feels permium to hold in hand. The weight distribution is good. The cellulaRead more...
Le eco 1s successor
Reviewed LeEco Le 2
Le eco has now launched Le eco 2 which is the successor of Le eco 1s. This comes with more improvement as compared to its previous generation. The built qualiRead more...
5 reasons not to buy SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 3
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Note 3
1.It is a huge smartphone which cant be handled by single hand unless one has a huge paws. The built quality is poor as the back and the sides are builRead more...
Not worth buying
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7
I was really disappointed after purchasing Galaxy J7 and realised that many other brands like Meizu Coolpad and LeEco provides smartphones with great specificRead more...
A superb budget smart phone
Reviewed Swipe Elite
With the price of INR 5999/- swipe elite is a new budget smartphone launched recently. Its 1.3 GHz quadcore processor provides with a great processing speed fRead more...
Reviewed Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream
Although being a boy I have been using vicco for past 8 years. It is made up of all natural and herbal components and does not contains any chemical which irrRead more...
Poor return policy
Reviewed Flipkart
Recently I had orderd a red color Redmi 2 prime from flipkart and instead they delivered me a white color set. I returned it back to the seller and they proviRead more...
Great budget phone
Reviewed Moto G (Second Generation)
I personally have a black varient set. the built quality is good and looks premium and easy to carry. its 2 gb ram synchronized with 1.2 ghz snapdragon procesRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed Asus ZenFone 2 Laser
Asus has now introduced a smartphone which can kill all its competitor under 10000 by its 13 MP camera quality. The laser technology used in this smartphone iRead more...
Dusting the road
Reviewed Renault Duster
I personally own a brown diesel variant. Built is pretty tough and has a royal look. you will love the interiors. it also has a good capacity to carry luggeseRead more...
Must by smartphone
Reviewed Letv Le 1S
Le 1s form the maker of LeTv china has changed the experience of snartphone under 12000 in India. It must has a solid full metal body which looks perineum. HaRead more...
Racing the road
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
This bike is one of my favourite. Its look is awesome and has a good grip on road. I personally have a white color variant. During long trip it makes the rideRead more...
Unbeatable specs
Reviewed Meizu M2
Pricing on Rs 7000 meizu m2 provides an unbeatable specs under this price segment. Its rear camera is 13 MP nad front facing camera is 5 MP which clicks perfeRead more...
Purely ayurvedic
Reviewed Patanjali Honey
Now a days the market is full of adulterated items. So our own desi company patanjali has came up with the aim to provide the purest form of edibles. It is coRead more...
Killer smartphone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 2
Chinese smartphone company Xiaomi has launched its power pack smartphone REDMI 2 PRIME.It kills all its competitor within this price segment. 2 gb ram provideRead more...
Worst effect
Reviewed Biotique Pineapple Gel Cleanser
This product is highly charged and also contains a variety of chemicals. I bought this product by seeing its advertisement and after using it my skin started Read more...
Reviewed Patanjali Face Wash
With the growing use of chemical in cosmetics and beauty products, the skin is more prone to allergies. Now pantanjali has come forward to replace the importeRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on sriamirtha's review
Commented on jijo1117's review
Going to purchase it very soon
Rated on jijo1117's review
Rated on tripathisatyam5's review
Commented on tripathisatyam5's review
Helpful review brother
Rated on pradeepkumardhiman's review
Commented on jitendrakumawat40's review
You have provided all the information.
Rated on jitendrakumawat40's review
Commented on rajatwork7's review
It contains all the information
Rated on rajatwork7's review
Commented on arifriends85's review
Going to purchase it soon
Rated on arifriends85's review
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