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Member Since:Dec 27, 2016
80 MS Points
believe that everyone is same as human being. So pls live happily and let live to others.
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Welcome by smiling crew on board
Reviewed Jet Airways
Lucky to be upgraded to Jet Première ( Business class) when I checked in just before the check-in closed. A separate queue for Premiere passengers, so boardinRead more...
Dangal beats others
Reviewed Dangal
Aamir Khan’s Dangal has the best written first half of 2016. The film opens with a bang and has some amazing moments right till the interval. Aamir plays MahRead more...
Nikon D3200 DSLR camera
Reviewed Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera
Great power comes with great responsibility. High quality sensor is a bonus but at this resolution, you need better lenses to make the most of it. Entry levelRead more...
Good product to use
Reviewed Patanjali Face Wash
This patanjali face wash is very good to use and his fragrance is awesome.after using daily this you can charm you skin and pimple will not be in your face.anRead more...
Shopclues online site
Reviewed Shopclues
Shopclues is one of the famous site for online purchasing but it is worst for shopping. Few months back I have purchase some household and travel bags and wheRead more...
Amazing Amazon
Reviewed Amazon
Do most of my online shopping from Amazon. They have the best customer service and a lot of the time better prices. I love my Prime account for not only ordeRead more...
Tasty Chinese food
Reviewed Papa Chinese Food - Tilak Nagar - Delhi NCR
I love Chinese food and I have found a place where I can hangout with my friends with tasty Chinese food ever. Papa Chinese food is so tasty and spicy who lovRead more...
Patanjali face wash
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Facewash
Patanjali aloe Vera jel face was I have used from last 4 months and frankly speaking that this face wash is very useful to use. When you use it on daily basisRead more...
Reliance Joi fi2
Reviewed Reliance JioFi
This reliance Joi WiFi router is the best because it has good 4g internet speed and it is working all the devices either it is 3g or more only you should haveRead more...
Awesome cooling vise split AC VV185S501
Reviewed Vise VV185S501 Split AC
Hi good to see vise AC in the market with new concept from vijay sales. This is very good to use with your family. I have bought this 1 ton AC on july2016 andRead more...
Reasonable price laptop
Reviewed iBall CompBook Excelance
This laptop is very good to use specially for home use. You cant do the office work with this laptop. If you are at home and if you want to use for basiRead more...
Foodie foodie
Reviewed Aggarwal Restaurant - Dwarka - Delhi
Thanks to agarwal. I might be not one that that always going to sector 12 Dwarka to eat with my family.but I am damn sure that who will go once he should not Read more...
Excellent bank environment
Reviewed ICICI Bank Ltd (ICICI)
Heres I talk about ICIC bank. Since a long time I have my account with ICICI bank and I am very pretty much sure that ICICI bank would be the no1 bank iRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on mohansingh546's review
Commented on rajugorai6's review
Pizza hut has awesome environment and it has their some culture to entertain the guest
Hi dear I have read you comment regarding pizza hut. I think you had great evening over there but almost pizza hut having their own music system and it has playing good themes unfortunately or may be the system was not working so it happened. And also they have culture to reservation for their guest Read More...
Rated on rajugorai6's review
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Ganesh S (@Gani_2912MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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