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Uttar Pradesh
Member Since:Apr 17, 2016
170 MS Points
About Me
Education: graduation
Food and Drinks: butter chicken with riceBooks: 3 mistake of my life
Food and Drinks: butter chicken with rice
Books: 3 mistake of my life
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Very good app
Reviewed Instagram
Instagram is an excellent way to turn mundane images and video into cool-looking projects you can share with friends. I can share the coordinated and that is Read more...
Dil ki deal
Reviewed Snapdeal
Snapdeal means dil ki deal. I always purchase any thing online through snapdeal its a great site as compare to other online side if you not intrested that yoRead more...
Nice taste
Reviewed Kissan Tomato Sauce No Onion No Garlic
Here are many brand of tomato ketchup that you can find in the store here. But so far, the best taste of tomato ketchup are only from kissanTomato Ketchup. WRead more...
Good phone if we have low budget
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K4 Note
I want to tell you that if you all are looking for the smartphone and your budget is low then the Lenovo k4 note be a perfect smartphone for you. Mobile lookRead more...
Awsm laptop
Reviewed Lenovo G500S
Having owned this machine for about 8 months since the posting of this review I can say that Im quite happy with my purchase overall, despite not being Read more...
Good gym
Reviewed Gold Gym - Gurgaon
I worked for Golds Gym for a year and a half in their marketing department and loved it! My boss was amazing, the company is amazing. And they truly doRead more...
Dth is betten then cable tv
Reviewed DTH vs Cable TV
DTH customer care is 24 hrs and you always get a complaint number and commitment of solving your problem. BUT in cable operator if their is problem you alwayRead more...
Nice app
Reviewed Vodafone M-Pesa Wallet
Nice app M.paisa its fastes money transfer, reacharge, other utilty mobile bills.its nice online apps there are some steps to generate m pese 1stly we have toRead more...
Best university
Reviewed University of Delhi
University of Delhi is one of the best university of Indian.under this university different differnt collages such exam as ramjus college kamla nehru college Read more...
Very good in taste
Reviewed Kissan Fruit Jam
This one is really very thick, juicy, fruity and tasty jam which I have ever found. it Kissan mixed fruit jam always my favorite fruit jam. It is very tasty aRead more...
Just Love it
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
Who told you apple is a failure.? Use it and tell. I am using it for past 6 years. I phone 4s and 5s. no worries till now. I dont know where its service centRead more...
Fake side
Reviewed Chupchaplelo
I ordered this brand of training shoes fm Chupchaplelo.com seeing their advertisement in the fb but then it was surperising to receive quite different brand nRead more...
Very good phone
Reviewed Sony Xperia Z1
I am very  satisfied for this phone because  Sony Xperia Z1 is a powerful, luxury phone for those who have to have the biggest and best. PROS 1) Comfortable Read more...
Good movie
Reviewed Ki and Ka
Ki & Ka is a romantic comedy-drama film by R Balki. acting and chemistry between arjun and kareena is good and somehow manges to save the film good first haRead more...
Very poor performance
Reviewed Micromax Bolt A065
Dont buy micromax phone if u spend some money you can buy at this price other brand because starting 1-2months they work properly but after that they stRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on paramjeetsingh351's review
Followed karthik_26 , mc9318 , ashokratnakumar24 , shefalimeswania
Commented on paramjeetsingh351's review
I agree this statement bcz 5se and 5s look same and se is to expensive according to 5s
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