If you are reading this, then you’ve pretty much been lusting after the Nexus 4 since the past few weeks. Or your are just an Indian looking for a good deal.
The Nexus 4 is the holy grail of smartphones. Excellent HD screen(without the pentile awfulness), fastest processor in town(SnapDragon S4 Pro kicks everybody’s ass) and unadulterated android 4.2 experience. All for an all too tempting price of 299$.
There’s always a but if you’re a gadget lover in India or basically have too much money earmarked for buying gadgets . LG is selling the Nexus 4 for a very thin profit in the US. So, they’ve decided to recover those profits from other regions. That sounds crazy, right? Almost reverse Robinhood-ish. [Dear bankers, gtfo.]
Look at the Nexus 7 16GB sells at 214 USD shipped. Which translates to around 11,770 INR but is ridiculously priced at 19,999 INR in India.
So a $199.99 device is 19,999INR in India. Amazing.
Also Check for reviews, Updated Specs, Photos n all here..
I was afraid that same thing is going to happen to Nexus 4 and so called up LG India. What I heard next shook my core.
8GB Nexus 4 is going to be priced at around….wait for it….28000-32000 INR.
So, what are our options here other than gathering at the LG office and going for a hunger strike.
Fortunately, many.
I’ll show you many ways to get NEXUS 4 for 16-17k in India….(DRUM-ROLLS)
1) Call up a relative in the US, tell them to buy it for you. Pay them back when Rupee is strong vis-a-vis the dollar. I know, right!
2) So, no relatives in the US, are you screwed then? Not at all. Try eBay.
You can buy imported phones from ebay.in’s global easybuy gateway. Prices are competitive and you have ebay protection. Definitely a win.
Example: ATRIX HD AT 21k INR
The phone is easily better than the Samsung SGS3(without that pathetic excuse for an interface in BloopWiz) and priced 40% lesser. So, keep your eyes open and wait till the list nexus 4 here.
3) What globaleasybuy essentially does is that they take your money, buy phones from ebay.com and ship it to you. what if you do that on your own. This is where Shopnship India helps you. For a small fee, they give you a US address and you can shop from google play and ship it to that address and then they ship it back to you. Its cheaper tha globaleasybuy but you don’t get the ebay protection.
4) Another option is MyUS, its just like ShopNShip but it goes one step further. Even if you don’t have a credit card, it allows you to make payments via other modes and then pays Google Play with their credit card. Shipping is faster compared to ShopNship.
So, this is how you can laugh at the face of LG India and get the coveted nexus 4.
This is your hard earned(or dad earned) money we are talking about. Be careful while doing online transactions.
Disclaimer :
Taken From Internet Sources !
Tags :
nexus, 4, in, India, pre, order