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By: ChaoticSoul | Posted: Apr 01, 2013 | General | 1541 Views

To begin with, I would be the happiest person to not see anyone for 7 days or more. I am a loner. Many people think that being a loner is a weird thing but the truth is everyone wants to be alone. The only difference between the others and me is I would love to be alone for most of my life while others get bored when they are alone. 7 days without seeing anyone sounds like fun. But as they say, everything needs money. Being jobless at the moment, I can’t afford to be alone. Obviously my mom and brother won’t leave me alone unless I send them on a nice vacation. But a 7 days vacation would cost me a fortune. Going on a 7 day vacation away from the crowd of the known city is almost impossible at this point of life. But one can always imagine about something that one can’t get.

‘Entertaining Me isn’t a great deal. I am a bore. I don’t need much to be entertained.’ This is something that I had the misconception about. I realized it recently that entertaining me is a great deal and it is almost impossible to do it. The fact is I can’t entertain myself! (Yes it is that bad!). So when I saw this prompt I decided to jot down a few things to entertain myself without seeing any other soul for 7 days.

Before I would begin this 7 day of aloofness, I would have to get out shopping for food and cold drinks (Lots of them). As I can’t see a soul for 7 days, I can’t go out shopping too. So it’s better to fill up my kitchen with some quick munches and other things like milk, potato, cheese and eggs. So let’s begin with the 5 things I would do to entertain myself for 7 days without seeing a soul.

5 things you would do to entertain yourself if you did not see a soul for 7 days

Writing and Blogging

These 7 days would be like a blessing. I could write, write and write. This will help me not only to keep my blog more updated but also let me find out my weaknesses in writing. I might just start writing posts on all the 7 day and what did I do. I can try and complete all the incomplete stories that are still in my folder. Writing is something I have loved doing for years. Earlier it used to be – Essays as a Child, Personal Diary as a Teenager and now Blog as an Adult. I would love to entertain myself by more writing and completing tasks that I have started and left incomplete.

Cooking and Eating

Cooking is an anytime fun and entertainment for me. Especially, if I am all alone in the house and no one to stop me from small experiments on the boneless chicken or potato wedges or eggs. I can cook and survive on my food for days (I know I cook well). The only problem is vegetarian food. I don’t cook vegetarian dishes the way I do my non-veg cuisines. As they say, we are good at what we like. So that’s the exact point! Except for potatoes there’s not much that I can do with a vegetarian dish, though Chinese food is an exception. So yeah, cooking would be the next entertaining factor for me. Well obviously, if I am the only soul then I would be the lucky one to finish up everything I cook. Cooking and eating is like the package deal for me.

Reading and more reading

I have got a heap of books that are untouched. I might just read most of them and relish that reading hour. It’s been ages since I have sat down with a good novel with no one to bother me about the latest T.V. Serial updates (my mom keeps on doing that!) or the new software that is downloaded on my computer (my brother downloads things that I have never heard of and gets excited and tells me to get a straight face and a bouncer look) or about some freaky facts about life, mythology or something else (Shrabani, I know you would be fuming by now… but come-on you know everyone needs the break from the freaky facts of life!) so yeah reading would be the next on my 5 things-to-entertain list.

Watching more Rom-Com

Watching a Rom-Com isn’t like being with a soul. Come-on they are like on the other end of the computer or the TV screen. With all those extra munchies and ice creams that I would fill up my kitchen with goes a super cute Ashton Kutcher or the hot Gerard Butler or someone else! How does it matter, as long as the movie is good and falls under the genre of Rom-Com, I am cool with it! I would love to have that headphones off my ears and watch the movie with speakers on and lights off and my mouth going on and off!


Sleeping! Though I am known as the Kumbha-Karan of my family, I haven’t got the sleep I deserve in the last couple of months. For many, sleeping ALONE isn’t an entertainment but trust me with wild dreams, sleeping is fun. I would spend more than a day just lying on my bed without doing nothing and just sleeping. I have got this thing to do that is sleep for straight 48 hours. I don’t know if it’s possible for me, but trying it would be fun. Sleeping ALL ALONE is certainly an entertainment for me. Ask any call centre people about one thing they want to do on their week off and they would say: ‘SLEEP!’ come-on it’s the most obvious thing!

Tags :
Dating, Relationships, love, flirt, weekends, working, girls
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