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By: s2nseek | Posted: Feb 17, 2010 | Movie | 296 Views

I wanted to see this movie for a long time and finally get to see it. Really powerful performance by Will that will make you depressed at the end of the movie. If you have seen and liked "Pursuit of Happiness", you would like this one as well.

You need not go to the extend to which Will has gone but a simple action like saying thank you to the auto wala, the one who cleans your street, without haggling handing out what the street side vendor asks for the goods, giving generous tips to the waiters in a small restaurants or stopping your vehicle to let the pedestrian pass would make your stressful day little relaxing. The only trick is be aware of your surroundings and see how one could be helpful to others!

Is it too much to ask to count your blessings??

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