hello frnds dis is Kibria again from dhaka. I hope u all r fine. 2day I wanna tell u about the performance of My FZs. I have travelled wid dis bike till date about 300km.
since i'm a new biker I was very hard for me to drive dis bike. now gradually i;m matching wid it. the initial pick till 65kmph is gr8. but the bike takes some time to accelerated after 75kmph. the gear was initially very hard but it's now become soft. the tyres of the bike are nice for balance.the pillion seat is very uncomfortable but the riders seat is very good. fuel consumption high now, may b it will reduce after some time. the mono suspension is awsome. the handle bar of bike is a bit wider for a short person like me( 5'4'') but the saddle height is not too high for me. bcoz of the wide crush guard u may not able to go through veyr narrow space but u if fall down wid the bike this crush guard will protect ur feul tank in most of the cases I guess, I realized it on my 1st ridewhen I fall down.lol.
but the look of the bike is truely enjoyable. every one will stare at u specially the young ladies. lol.
i hope to write more about this bike latter . good bye 4 now. thnk 4 reading it.