Hello... Reader,
So glad to see you my friend, it’s been a while… In awe as when I pen down this post you may raise your eyebrows and ask, ‘who are you?’… That’s a genuine question...
I am obliged to write this post since I have got couple of friends who visit my page and read my posts. Perhaps, that’s the best thing when you have your friends at your side. Friends rock big time. I remember joining this site on August 13th, 2007 with a Bike review. I never knew I would get addicted to write and now it’s more than an addiction. I’m going to share a leaf from my diary and let it rest in peace here...
The tale begins...
Once Paul (paulsb02) asked if I know Rajeev, who write those eloquent reviews and I replied to him politely saying, ‘No’. Soon when I got involved in this site, I realized the importance of expressing and the art of penning thoughts. For all the time spent in this site I searched for diverse topics and ideas which introduced me to the world of ‘psyxx’. I never knew that I would get to meet this ‘recluse’ in person nor did I ever imagine that this rock star would ever dedicate a song to me...
I am grateful to write this piece of note as he dedicated ‘Poles Apart’ to me in front of those crowds who loved to exchange my name with theirs for a minute. Sometimes I wonder why people have gifted with various talents. I have a talent to thank people. Gurpreet (sweets_desire) has got a talent to love people. My Twin (Angel_babe55) has got a talent to care for all the mankind. I do observe a lot in human beings and have come to a conclusion that all the people in this world are good at heart. Yes, they are. Because all of us breathe oxygen... drink water... and... sleep like an infant...
He is a recluse and many of us know that. I know Pink Floyd’s loss to this world. If you ask me again, then I would rant ‘psyxx is a loss to mouthshut’. He was a huge star before even I joined mouthshut. He was a star writer who spent a long time in the hall of fame. While flipping through his diaries, I found a depth behind those powerful posts. Gurpreet being my close friend revealed the fact that she has interacted with psyxx and they are friends. That must be the turning point for me to know this friend (psyxx) closer. She gave me his email id and that was the start of our friendship.
The Elvis Presley display picture in his gtalk proved him to be a die hard rock star who wants to travel so far before he sleeps. This rock star doesn’t sleep and in fact spends most of his time in the studio, has crossed one milestone. His album will be out shortly. His ‘wish’ has come true...
Two days ago, when I met him online, he invited me over to his amphitheater (Kyra) for his concert. I reached his amphitheater as promised and spoke to him. He was getting tuned up for the big event and started the show in a pleasant note. The reason why I post this diary is not to let all of you know how Rajeev sings or the talent in him but, how he cares for others. He is known as an eloquent writer. But... I have seen a person beyond that tag. There is a human being beyond those long hair and tattoos...
I can sense the pain when he talks about Silver... His last post was about Silver... He concluded it saying... “I have silver now... Silver will be there... Silver is my new friend... my two month old Siberian Husky... he'll be there...”
In pain when I reveal the fact that Silver is no more in this globe, the song he wrote in ache comes to my mind …
Cover me in darkness
forever I will hide
i'm slipping into silence
i'll keep it all inside
and is this loneliness
the only thing that's real
yet in my emptiness
complete is what I feel
and I am gone
cos no one cares
the lights are on
but no one's there
incisions in my mind
the hurt and misery
inflicted by the kind that i
held so close to me
these eyes that shut at night
find no respite in sleep
so take away the light
cos I am sinking in the deep
and I am gone
cos no one cares
the lights are on
but no one's there
cover me in darkness
cloak me in despair
i'm slipping into silence
i've slipped beyond repair
taken by the fire
of hurt that stems within
i had nothing besides her
she's all I hold within
and I am gone
cos no one cares
the lights are on
but no one's there
its all gone wrong
cos no one's there
the lights are on
but no one's there
(c)2009 Rajeev. All Rights Reserved. Tabula Rasa Records.
Like he wrote the lyric... My ink ran dry...
Psyxx rocks… Shine on my friend...