A New Yorker claims his girlfriend caught him cheating via Pokemon Go.
The scavenger hunt-style mobile game uses GPS and mapping software to record the location where a Pokemon is captured. Snoop through the latest catches and you can know a person's whereabouts. That's how Evan Scribner's girlfriend noticed he was at an ex's house in Bushwick.
"She saw that I had caught a Pokémon while at my ex's house," Scribner told The New York Post. He couldn't come up with a good excuse for wandering in his ex's neighbourhood. "She found out last night at my house and hasn't contacted me since then," he added.
The Nintendo game has been in news ever since it hit the app stores. With more than 15 million downloads, it has already surpassed Tinder and Twitter, also, has a higher engagement rate than Facebook.
A New York city pizzeria devised a way to make the best of Pokemania and its business is booming. According to New York Post, L'inizio Pizza manager Sean Benedetti paid$10 to have a dozen of the Pokémon characters lured to the store that drew in so many players, the shop's business went up 75 percent.
Tags :
pokemon, Go, girlfriend, boyfriend, cheating, breakup