Once my teacher taught me a life lesson.I had a teacher who is the best teacher of my life.Her name is Rumi. So the story is one day she told me to close my eyes, as her order I closed my eyes. Then she said,'Think about anything whatever you want maybe it's about an object a person whatever but except a pink elephant' I thought what kind of thing is this a pink elephant and the whole time I was just thinking about that elephant . After two minutes she told me to open my eyes asked what I was thinking about I was trying give an other answer promptly she told I know the whole time you're thinking about that pink elephant . I laughed she also. Then she explained when we are restricted not do a thing or not to think about a thing we do that thing or think about that thing too much .When someone is advising us not to take stress we become more stressed we fall in a loop of overthinking. So we should do is what is happening let it happen as it's flow we shouldn't overthink and keep thinking positive what will make a huge difference.Day by day thinking positive we'll observe the power of thinking positive or once we fall in the loop of overthinking or negative thinking life will become a mess.So keep thinking positive.
I don't know from where or which book she had learned that technique but this is an awesome way to open a new window of our mind.:)