Hi, This is Arun, I thought of sharing the views about the after sales at Yamaha service centres. I am using Yamaha Gladiator since 2010 and is still running smoothly. Bought a new Yamaha Fazer 153cc (Competition White) in Apr 2012 [U can also read my review about Yamaha Fazer at: https://mouthshut.com/review/Yamaha-Fazer-review-qlsoppllor]
This blog is my individual experience and the experience. 'You feel at these or any service centres' are none of my business and guarantee ;) Just kidding, coming back to the blog on the:
AFTER SALES SERVICING: The servicing is the second most most important thing your bike wants after your careful riding and look-after (Regular servicing after some 3000 kms at least - change engine oil, clean bike & the chain thoroughly at least will help your bike the most for long term use)
Coming to the after Sales and Servicing I experienced at the Yamaha showrooms - The Yamaha Showrooms and spares of Yamaha vehicles are a bit pricier than the other bike showrooms(To mention - Hero, Bajaj being the cheapest), but you must also see most of the Yamaha vehicles are performance oriented bikes, so for more performance u need to spend some bucks and its not that much that you should worry much...
Servicing at Yamaha showrooms: I have been to some 6-7 showrooms/service centres across 4-5 cities in India (Also when I was using my old Gladiator), and I think sharing this part would be useful. You people will almost get your all Free services at showrooms at least, to make sure your bike is well maintained, and that is must for your bike too. The servicing depends mainly a lot upon the mechanics the Showroom own(You must agree - He is like a doctor for your bike).
From the Showrooms where you will see some supervisers looking after all those mechanics and offer some best services - to the showrooms which don't own any supervisers, forget supervisers, one of the service centre I went didn't even had a proper mechanic(Jodhpur) - and you will see that he is the only one they have! for god's sake!(And u see, u dont have any other service centre around the city to go - so u must go there for all those free services at least), some uneducated (Sorry to say, but not to insult them people - just saying they are under-qualifying and just don't love handling the bikes) handling your expensive and loving bike like that doesn't serve the purpose [Whatever the price of your bike, It is your most loved Non-living thing on the Earth;) ]
I experienced some bad servicing at 2 showrooms of all the 7 showrooms I went: The service centres of Chandigarh & Ambala were the best I saw. In Mysore, they have 2 pretty good service centres and 1 average showroom/serv. centre). But here in Jodhpur, what I saw was less ordinary - I can say(Hope they would see this and change the way they work).
You can also Service your bike yourself if you feel you are good at it: You will feel it at some time of your life that you are good enough to service your bike. And spending some 300 bucks for servicing charge is also a huge part (dont be mean and tell that you are some son of millionaire), the servicing at these centres are also time consuming:
All you do is (You can occasionally go to the authorised service centres for some major problems in your bike always):
Wash your bike thoroughly
Clean the Air Filter
Change engine oil if necessary.
Lubricate the parts & Chain(If your bike is an open chain case one - Like the Fazer). Read the manual - Yes read it for further help about the maintenance of bike, it will help you greatly
Tight all those loosened cables(Clutch and brake) and check for wear and tear.
Polish it nice and keep it clean and fine for some 2500-3000 kms after that.
You have done the servicing of your bike better than any service centre guy!
Anyway closing my NEVER ENDING debate in this never ending world,
Be safe, enjoy your ride!