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By: Rup_007 | Posted: Nov 19, 2011 | General | 841 Views (Updated Nov 19, 2011)

“Are you in drugs?” she again spoke first.

“Excuse me…why the hell do you think so?” I was bit blunt and angrier.

“Just look at you, you really look like you are completely lost” may be somewhat she was correct.

“My girl friend left me” I was really surprised why the hell should I said that to this unknown girl, who is almost a kid for me. I wanted to kill myself.

“Ohho, that’s the problem” and she started giggling!!!

Now am I a joker showing my sorrows to the world?

“That’s very mean” I said.

“Look at me, three boyfriends left me, am I looking like a lost” she said in a funny way and was still laughing. She had a beautiful dimple. Then she said “Actually I left two of them”.

“How old are you”…oh that’s me, the stupid again! Why should I ask her that question which no gentleman should ask to any lady? And she is barely a kid.

“I am twenty one and my name is Amelee and I am from France. Do you want to know anything more about me?” she started joking and I felt like an idiot, off course a loser idiot. She extended her right palm for a handshake and I must agree after that I started feeling a little bit better. I introduced myself. She was very happy meeting an Indian. She said she did not have any Indian friend. “Will you be my friend?” she asked. Then she went on requesting me to tell the story of my break up with my girl friend and me, being an extreme introvert started telling her everything, right from our first date, the things I never shared with anyone!

She was very talkative. I have seen very few people who can talk like that, that too with a stranger. Being a French girl, her accent was very sweet and she started telling me her story. At first I was not that interested, but slowly I started giving attention. Amelee’s parents got divorced when she was a kid. Her mother being from Belgium left French and her father raised her up. She comes to visit her mother after every four years and that’s why now she was stranded in this airport. She was also waiting for her flight to France. He had her ticket in Air France.

In next few hours I knew almost like everything about her; her first date, first kiss, the philosophy teacher in her university on whom she had a crush, how she was interested in Asian cultures, she knew Buddhism and very keen to know Hinduism. She took my laptop, normally I don’t give it to anyone, but somehow I was okay her using it. She connected it to the net, the airport had WIFI connection. She showed her profile in Face Book, Tweeter, she showed me the profiles of her ex-boyfriends. Almost forcefully she made me open my profile in the Face Book, she checked my friends list. She put her expert comment on one of my female friend whom she found very cute and a perfect match for me. She added me in her friends list.

Suddenly she felt hungry and almost dragged me to a café nearby. She already bought lots of Belgium chocolates and she let me eat a few. Sipping from the cup I suddenly realized, I just forgot all those things which made me look like a loser. I forgot my miseries and I must admit I was rather happy and was laughing the way I never laughed for a long long time. Amelee made me feel like a teenager. In those few hours she was the closest friend I have ever had. Her madness and youth made me feel free. Again I started feeling like a young smart hunk and not a petty crying loser who keeps trying to run away from his sorrows. Standing beside her in the huge glass wall and watching snow fall outside, I was wondering, which one was more beautiful, those falling snows or her very expressive those big brownish eyes.

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