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By: khaishk | Posted: Sep 13, 2010 | General | 259 Views

Recently We all saw how Obama announced with the usual media savvy flourish that outsourcing will be discouraged. The Americans assume that they automatically become entitled to all the resources this earth has to offer on a priority basis. They bleed other countries dry and force regressive policies on them. They are not averse to peddling medications in other countries that are banned in the US. They sell useless products that buoy up their economy and cause health disorders. coke, Pepsi, pizzas fast foods, etc, We should all stop consuming these products and consume those that we really need till an Indian substitute is produced. The Govt should ban all such products and stop their manufacture and sale in India as a retaliation to the high handedness of US policy makers. I think if all software developers abstain from servicing thier US clients for a week then their economy will be shaken. The US cannot repeat cannot go on without software developed by Indian programmers. I think it is time to build a data base of companies that are american and also products manufactured and sold by these companies so that people are informed when they make their purchases.

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