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By: hakoonamatata | Posted: Jul 20, 2009 | General | 1044 Views

This is a continuation of my post – “Another day’s drive to office….. - I”.

Him: I am asking you something (seeming more irritated)

Me : Oh yes! I am here because I am still in love with this profession. I always was. Its not “just” money. And I don’t compare or think like that.

Him: Ok. Where do you belong too? Delhi?

Me: Well, I have been here for 12 years now, and that’s my work ex, but was born and brought up at Kanpur, UP.

Him: oh UP! I should have guessed. People from there are the most ignorant, and you are another example. So 12 years of experience you said?

Me (Still unable to corner him): Yes.

Him: Ok, so what have you learnt in those 12 years? Come on tell me (as if he is all set to hit me back)

Me: Well, cant cover 12 years in 12 minutes, but I have grown in my profession , my overall approach to life…..

Him: No tell me about your profession. What do you do?

Me: I work as a Project Manager.

Him : What are your responsibilities?

Me (Running low on patience now): I manage projects, people, cost, schedules, etc.

Him: Do you get promoted after every 2-3 years?

Me: No, its performance based.

Him: How do you measure performance?

Me: we start by setting goals for individuals, in sync with the project deliverables and organizational goals.

Him: How does your organization set goals?

Me: I am not there today, but I promise you that when I pick you up 4-5 years later on your way back, I could answer.

Him ( I forgot, grumpy people have no sense of humor): So you don’t know…..and you say you have 12 years of experience! Well, you have not impressed me. You know nothing.

Me( expecting him to tell me that his destination has arrived): well yes, I am still learning. I am still better than those who know nothing and still have the guts to preach (Tongue in cheek ….ouch! – I bit myself).

Him: Young man, think again. You don’t seem to know anything. You don’t follow any news. I don’t know if every company has managers like you. And by the way, please drive straight to the next traffic light. I need to get down there.

That was ½ a km out of my way, but I thought I better not talk anymore.

As his stop arrived, he sat preaching more “gyan” to me for 2 idle minutes, got down and reminded me that we guys in IT think that we are the best in the world. I reality , we are just a bunch of greedy idiots. He thumped the door and walked away. Expecting a “Thank You” never happened.

… that was my moral less story.

My learning (Unfortunately) - Never to give a ride to an unknown person in future.

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NEVER, to, give, a, Ride, an, unknown, person
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