Hi, I was a customer of Vodafone since march 2008 until I gave an application for disconnection of my no. on june 4 2008. It was a real pathetic experience when I entered to vodafone store located in Ashok vihar, I went to that store and asked for disconnection,one of the executive dint gave me a proper response as to how to proceed in terms of deactivation. He talked to me in a rude manner and when I asked him that I need to talk to ur manager he simply replied pointing to a person that he our owner of the store! The owner told me that we don't deal in these kinds but only activations and bill payments! that person was also like the previous one! all same! which resulted in great humiliation and exploitation for me! I really felt offended! Then they rudely told me to go to Kamla nagar vodafone store and check whether this can be done there or not! Come on this is some thing awful u guys dont know that or not sure about this information then how can u say that 'HAPPY TO HELP' I am sorry u guys dont know cutomer service! U should remove ur name tags denoting HAPPY TO HELP. U dont know how to help! U must give proper training before making them sit on CUSTOMER CARE SEATS. the story isn't over till yet! I walked in to your Vodafone store kamla nagar there the experience was even worst! I was a given a token not a phyisical one but just by words ie your token no is 24, sorry 25!!!!!!!! Its real lack of standard! I think u re an MNC u must protect ur image and standards cause now a days even a rickshaw puller has a mobile if he walks in to ur store then ur standards decline automatically! When my turn came one of exe. greeted me but then she got a call on her mobile and she chatted for atleast 2 mins meanwhile she dint care about a customer was sitting in front of her that is me! I looked at her as if I am a fool! bloody am ur customer! I used to work in a comapny a multiplex wherein no csa is allowed to carry his or her cell phone beacause its a totally customer focused area! then I aksed her that I want to deactivate my no. then she said ok but she dint knew that how much I owe u and how much time does it take a no to get disconnected and what will be the procedure for that! First of all she dint knew this thing that in my first bill advance rent was taken and that needs to be deducted at the time of disconnection! but she was zero! please train ur staff otherwise they'll create mess! Then she argued and finally she called up another colleague then she deducted the advance rent! It was a real waste of 1hr.! But the real bad thing is that no. is still on and has not been disconnected! please get it disconnected as soon possible!!!!!!!!! cause I have already paid my full and final and m not gonna pay single penny now!!!!!!!