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By: verticalchallenge | Posted: May 23, 2008 | General | 1218 Views

I have been consuming Bailey's mineral water for the past few months. Never had any problem. Local supplier replaces the bottle each time I need to replace.

Recently, he replaced the bottle and there was a difference in the taste. Since I was thirsty I had a glass of water and I could smell a foul odour in the water. Before I could realise my stomach went for a toss and by morning I was dehydrated and was unable to go to work.

I spoke to the supplier and he said he will replace the bottle with the charges. I asked him whether he will inform Bailey's about it and he said there is no point, even they will replace the bottle if I speak to them.

I called Parle Bailey's customer care no. mentioned on the bottle and someone from the company got back to me immidiately. I explained the situation and they told me they will look into the matter and send someone to collect the sample. I collected the water in few bottles and replaced the 20ltr bottle.

No news from Parle for 2 days, I contacted them again and finally after 5 days a person came for sample collection and agreed with me that the water had a foul smell. He took the samples and guaranteed that I will receive a call as soon as test will be performed with the sample. As a precaution I kept a sample of same water with me.

No news again for few days. I called the company and spoke to the concerned person from lab who told me they found nothing abnormal and water was very much potable. I was shocked!!! Water which was stinking, having wierd taste was good for them. They must have thought now its upto them to say anything they want. Looks like people can sell anything in this country and make you pay. There seem to be no one control these companies.

Is it a joke? Now I want to check the last remaining sample privately. Can someone provide information on a lab which can do it for me?

Tags :
Drinking, Water, mineral, Water, potable, Water
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