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By: ArindamSain | Posted: Mar 27, 2009 | General | 21879 Views

Barkha: - Hello viewers, today, we have found 4 cases in Secundrabad, where small kids have fallen severely ill, by drinking Coca-Cola. The investigation team of “Sain Laboratories” is working on it. They are of the opinion that may be due to some bad samples of Coca-cola, it has happened. We have to wait for their reports.

Atul: - What is this? I am fed up with this Media people. They are accusing us that, we have distributed the bad samples of Coca- Cola soft drinks in the market. Ok, I will also wait and watch. Let us see, what reports come out after examining all the samples.

Namrata: - Sir, we have examined all the samples of Coca-Cola soft drinks from those areas, where 4 cases were filed, but the report says, there are no defects in that soft drink.

Arindam: - Strange, then what would have happened? There is one guy admitted in Yasodha Hospital, right? Ok, let me talk to that doctor. Come on.

Dr. Patel: - Arindam, the problem is not with the Coca-Cola soft drinks. The problem lies in a deadly mixture. We have found a packet of Chloromint and Mentos from his pocket. They are lucky that, still they are alive. When you eat Chloromint or Mentos with any kind of Coke, you have a 95% chance to die. If you want, I can show you that by performing a simple experiment.

Arindam: - So, I think, Government should take some steps to ban these Chloromints.

Barkha: - Hello viewers!, as you can see in the streets of Secundrabad, all the locality people are shouting with slogans, to “Ban Mentos and Choloromint” from the market! Will the government respond to their demand?

YSR: - What is this nonsense? We should not ban the product, rather we should tell our kids, not to drink coke and eat Choloromint at the same time.

Chiranjeevi: - If kids will do everything right, after following our instructions, then they are not kids. Even, I always used to disobey my parents, when I was a little kid. So, my request is that you order to “Ban Mentos & Choloromint”from our Indian market.

Barkha: - Hi Everybody, you are watching NDTV news. Today, Government has banned the sale of Mentos and Chloromint from any shops on India. If any shop keeper is found to sell Mentos, he or she will be fined Rs. 500/- for that.

Atul: - Thanks to the Government. For them, at least the sale of Coca-Cola soft drinks will not get affected.

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