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By: vipulhm | Posted: Jul 14, 2016 | General | 68 Views

I had paid Manas hosting Rs.10000.00+ taxes for 10 years+ 10 years unlimited domain hosting with free web pages on 14/02/2013, They upgraded their servers in 2014, I never opted for paid service and with the help of my domain service provider I pointed the name servers to manas hosting, They started mailing for additional payment which I refused as I have never opted for any paid technical service. they as I see today show Invoice raised on 22/05/2014 of Rs4719.12. I have not even created any web site so I as a customer without availing any service am being asked to make payment.

They have suspended my cPanel access stating outstanding of Rs.4719.12.

Manashosting is asking and harassing a customer for extracting more money.

On 12/07/16 again my services have stopped(mails) and in my domain control panel from another service provider I none of my domain MX or A records are there which means the Name Servers NS1.WEBSITEHAI.COM & NS2.WEBSITEHAI.COM are disabled for reasons unknown as my domain is registered with another service provider(I have now lost full hopes on manashosting) I have changed the Name Servers which will help my mail services to get active.

I pray and wish some one take's manashosting to court and make them accountable for the money they have taken from the common people of our great Bharat, Or it will be like another fraud firm in our Bharat taking common people for granted.

Hope no one else fall in trap by the claim of Manashosting of being the cheapest with long write ups on its website "

Jai Bharat

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