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By: u.rajaraman | Posted: Oct 20, 2013 | General | 123 Views

I would like to share my worst experience which I just had an

hour before in BHAGINI family restaurant, Andhra style

which is located in Murgeshpalya, Old airport road,

Bangalore. I went with my family and we ordered the

following food,

Hot and sour chicken soup - Rs 85(Cold and poor)

Drum of heaven(chicken fry) - Rs 150(It was a hell)

Mutton Biryani - Rs 170(half boiled mutton rice)

Veg Meals - Rs 78(Uncooked Rice with no vegetables)

VAT - Rs 70(+Frustration)

It was not even worth of Rs 50. The Biryani and Rice was

totally uncooked and not boiled to eat. When I spoke to the

manager, he took a sample of biryani rice and he said it is

boiled completely. I think either he would always eat RAW

RICE in his whole life or he would have not known how a good

biryani would taste and how the boiled rice would be.

The Veg meals came with no vegetables and rice was so hard

and it looked like it was just Cultivated from field. The soup

and chicken fry was terrible to drink and eat. Nowadays I

think people wanted to make quick bucks and wanted to be


There is no quality in the food, service and no body worries

about customer. Nothing came to table on time except for the

final bill. I have cancelled the biryani and ordered a curd Rice

which was Rs 110. It looked like they have used yesterdays

rice and day before yesterday's curd.

Though there were around 5 to 7 staffs and most of the

tables were empty, the servers didn't have the basic

knowledge to keep water to customer first and they do not

listen to what we say.

I would have felt more happy if I donated the same amount

to a begger. I regret going to BHAGINI restaurant and I would

never go back again. I Just want other people who has plans

to go to bhagini restaurant to think 100 times.

NOTE : Worst Food, Worst Service, Worst Experience, Too


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