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By: Musica_ss | Posted: Feb 06, 2012 | General | 225 Views

Here is one of latest entrants of ecom websites - came across their banner ads on almost every Indian website, including!! I opened and decided to shop from their website. Unfortunately, they too are out to grab shoppers' eyeballs make a quick buck and disappear from the scene

I would like to warn shoppers here to be careful while they shop from While you place the order from the pictures and prices given, it will accept your order. If you made payment while placing the order, God save you, as most likely the website will not have the product you ordered and will call you in a couple of days to say so. They they will try to palm off another expensive product in the place of the product you ordered. If you insist on cancelling the order as you do not want another product offered, be prepared for a long wait and a whole lot of lies for the refund or your money. They will tell you the cheque is being dispatched in two days, after a week it will be the amount is credited back in you credit card. Still not received your money? then it will be cheque will be dispatched today (which means that the transfer of refund in the credit card was a BIG lie). Don't fall for such ecom fly by night websites. I am not sure, will publish the blog as they too get advt revenue from Let's wait

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