With the new body consciousness evolving amongst ourselves, we have around us a world of popping pills and shaping limbs` in the gymnasiums.
How strange it seems that we are put to such hardships for the health that comes so naturally to the rest of the living world…
The fruit that the bird pecks at, the grass that the cow grazes upon, the fly that the frog catches and the raw meat that the wild pack of wolves live on….
They all seem to give whatever is necessary to possess a perfectly good health and they never take vitamin A, B, C, D…do they?
The difference between the world of the Animaldom and us is that they live by instincts and we do all we can to impose on ourselves a lifestyle full of artificial means and stressful methods. The simplicity and the joy of our childhood days are weighed down by our learning’s that direct us to follow a mundane lifestyle that has been followed before.
As corporate citizens you will realize that to be able to run, play, laugh and be carefree and be uninhibited is our natural state of being. Only when we grow older we restrain ourselves from being so.
A tip to being with…
How to Sleep-
Sleep-The most important part of our time spent on earth. We utilize 1/3 of our lives in sleeping. How?? A normal human being sleeps 8 hours a day. If we live 60 years, we have technically slept for 20 years! Also Meaning that we can save time. But how?
Well, Sleep can be For long hours or For Good Hours.
How you begin to fall asleep every night is the key to a healthy habit that will refresh the soul and revive the spirits. You can condense the relaxation needed every night by suggesting to yourself that you are feeling relaxed and comfortable every inch of your body. The mind takes these suggestions positively since they are your own and it stimulates the various parts viz. head, chest, abdomen, legs and the toes to release the tiredness and relax from the physical stress caused by the days work. This leads to you falling into deep slumber, which rejuvenates you in a shorter span of sleep time.
Every night before you sleep keep all your worries on the shelf and forget it till the morning. Think positively of what you have achieved in the daytime and feel happy. Do not compromise sleep with anxiety. Be your own best friend in bed.
Haven’t we heard that Napolean and Nehru; were both adept at hyper napping. Thus saving precious time of their lives to do meaningful deeds.
Isar Qureshi