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By: derebail2008 | Posted: Sep 08, 2008 | General | 393 Views

Maharashtra Nava Nirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray has sounded a warning to the Bachchan clan. In a function organized to release the music of DRONA the seeds of controversy erupted when Jaya Bachchan spoke in Hindi and requested PRIYANKA CHOPRA the heroine of the film to speak in Hindi too. Jaya Bachchan spoke in hindi stating that we are all from UP and we should speak in English and tendered apology to the people of Maharashtra for speaking in Hindi.

Now the political Maverick discovered a perfect platform to block the release of the upcoming film THE LAST LEAR and DRONA. This step really reeks of communal hatred against Hindus and Indian in general. I feel Raj Thackeray does not have enough true agenda for benefit marathi people., like generating employment for Marathi people, procuring land or apartments at reasonable price for locales, ensuring proper roads, quality educational institution, medical facility etc.

How long can we tolerate such breeding of communal and lingual hatred from Politicians is the moot point. If it continues the entire non-maharastrian community should get to-gether and protest against MNS and its ways of targeting outsiders. First it was Madrasis, Next it was gujurathis, Now it is Biharis, and UPities.

It now time to grow up RAJ, if all non-maharastrians vacate Mumbai, than it will be become a ghost city. A true leader of the soil should fight for economic development of the clan he is representing.

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