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By: satyasar | Posted: Nov 30, 2010 | General | 323 Views (Updated Nov 30, 2010)

These days its pretty understood that we are addicted to the Internet for many of our needs / requirements be it knowledge based, online shopping, ticket booking, share our thoughts, get social, and what all.. the list seems to be non ending.

I recently came across a home maker who I was astonished to see that she is into E-commerce and also earns more than her Hubby who is an Senior IT professional with a reputed IT company.

Now it really rose my eyebrows when I came to know that her hubby is joining her soon quitting his job!

Curiosity gave me an inside thought about reality, We work , work and of my college's saying goes this way...

You work good you are given a laptop.. (means work from home)

You work better you are given a datacard.. saying be online from home...(means.. be ready to work round the clock)

You work still better you are given a black berry ....( means go the the toilet.. still carry it along.. you need to respond to mails..)

Isnt it true that we have become workaholics? I felt it and I am no more working for any one apart from me with ample of time spending with my family.

How did I get this kind of lifestyle?

thats more important.. I opted the E-commerce and help many get a life freedom along with financial freedom. that feels good when you help someone overcome his/her financial crisis..

A new life with a better meaning..

Tags :
internet, e-commerce, part, time, online, Opportunity, Global, Business
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