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By: derebail2008 | Posted: Oct 12, 2009 | News | 468 Views (Updated Oct 12, 2009)

Catch the wave on google. Well literally the new communication platform seems to be by invite, which seems a new marketing strategy, which popularlised google mail too, if one remembers some time back.

What is wave all about, it is well explained in their promo link in video format :

What is Wave ? Basically it plans to integrate e-mail, Photos, videos, IM in the form of gtalk, Google maps, and many other features which will be added on. There is gaming widget which can be added on too. Currently the gaming applications which can be added on is hangman and sudoku.

For me the biggest benefit will be updating my blogspot through wave, the downer maybe it does not work on all browsers. Google chrome may be preferred platform, than Mozilla and Apple.

Let us hope the collaborative feature catches the users attention which is all about keeping in touch. The earlier mode of keeping in touch was on cellphone technology but now Wave seems to be taking over. Who knows it might drop one off guard lol ?

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