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By: singhpooja1977 | Posted: May 08, 2009 | General | 308 Views

It is always good to be a child as it is the best time of your life aswe grow we forget many things let me remind something may be you allhave same experience as I have when I was child. when we are kids weused to play Hide and Seek, Tippy Tippy Tap, Elastic, Stapoo and manymore games but now these games become past now a days our childrenprefer to play computer games, video games and mobile games. When weeagerly waited for Doordarshan Serials like Dada Daadi Ki Kahaniya andenjoy the answers given by them. these answers solve our problems wegot inspiration from these answers.When we were using our hearts morethan our brains, even for scientifically brainy activities like'thinking' and 'deciding' When we were crying and laughing moreoften,more openly and more sincerely now we forget a lot of we run for the big comforts and luxuries at that time the pocketmoney of 50 paise filled us with joy as we got so many toffees init.When we were enjoying our present more than worrying about ourfuture. When being emotional was not synonymous to being weak. When weare kid we wait for summer holidays as we all want to go to ourGrandmother house but now a days family morals are not so important kidtalk with their grandparents using web cams. As a kid we enjoy our lifewithout worrying about the holiday homework. The list of these memoriesare endless so keep thinking and thinking___________

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