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By: aaryesdee | Posted: Sep 20, 2008 | General | 490 Views

Chinese Milk Formula Leads to Hospitalizationby Lynn Berry

(NaturalNews) A milk product contaminated with melamine has been recalled in China according to the China Daily (1). Sanlu, a producer of baby milk food, has recalled its product after a child diagnosed with kidney stones died. The product was found to contain traces of melamine and health authorities say a link exists between melamine and kidney stones.

Around 59 infants in Gansu province have been diagnosed with kidney stones and many believe that it is related to the milk product. The Xinhua news agency reported that Gansu officials knew of the possible risks as early as mid-July.

The agency reported on the hospitalization of 14 babies with kidney stones and other symptoms such as vomiting and inability to urinate resulting from consuming the milk product (2).

Sanlu claims that the milk product is a fake -- that a counterfeit product was made by another organization using the Sanlu name and was available at cheaper prices.

Food products containing melamine have included pet food. Last year pet food made by Menu Foods was recalled after the deaths of cats and dogs. It was found that the wheat gluten made in China was contaminated with melamine. Later around 100 brands of pet food were recalled (3).

A spokesperson for the FDA claimed that no U.S. producer of infant formula used any ingredients from China but the concern is for illegal products entering the country. The message is not to purchase any milk formula made in China.

Apparently melamine has a range of uses including being used as a fertilizer in certain countries. Melamine is also used in the industrial sector for heat resistant clothing and products. It is combined with formaldehyde to make a fire resistant synthetic polymer which is used in building products such as whiteboards, floor tiles, and kitchen bench tops and cupboards.

Melamine is used in animal feed apparently to increase nitrogen levels which gives the appearance of higher protein and thus higher prices.

Melamine in food is banned in the U.S. and at the height of the pet food scandal, China said it will ban its use as well. We are all waiting.


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