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By: savera1 | Posted: Jun 15, 2008 | General | 16962 Views

A good experience turned bad. I consulted Doctor Prakash Kini at Cradle hospital, Jayanagar Bangalore for my pregnancy.For those of you who dont know , this hospital looks like a 5 star hotel and houses some of the most qualified doctors in bangalore. But thats where the good part ends. Our first visit to him was a good experience considering that he made a careful notes of my medical history something a doctor I was previously consulting in this city hadn’t done. But our good experience was short lived. When during my 6th week of pregnancy I noticed some spotting, I immediately brought it to the doctors notice and he said I should rest for 4 days. F urther questions from me were treated with quick tempered wise cracks and absolutely no medical input. On the morning of the 5th day the spotting turned to light bleeding and I was asked to come in after lunch hours . May I add that since my pregnancy became known, except for the medical history and prescription of folic acid , no scan, no blood test were done which should have been the norm . I waited nearly 1.5 hours for the scan at cradle after which the doc told me that it seemed like a threatened miscarraige and I should continue to rest. On the 8th day the bleeding became heavier. I was asked to come in at office opening hours. The doc asked me if I “wanted” a scan where I again waited with my scan report for another hour till he saw all his patients. After which he was quick to advise a D&C. When I said I wasn’t mentally prepared for it, he snapped my file shut and I quote verbatim” WHY LOOK FOR AN UMBRELLA WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY WET AND ITS ALREADY RAINING? I decided then and there that if I were to have a D&C I will not have it performed by Kini or at anyone at cradle. Btw. a D&C at Cradle costs upwards of 30000Rs. But money wasnt the issue with me, the doctors attitude was

By afternoon in the ER of another hospital, the doctors and nurses were both surprised that I did not have any initial pregnancy scans/ reports/ tests. In nearly 70 percent of cases(I later learnt) the bleeding is resolved if reported early. I was 8 days too late . Since no blood tests or monitoring was done at the onset, I would never now know if I could have been among those lucky 70 percent. After discharge from the hospital I made enquiries and found out that when after discovery, if bleeding in a pregnant woman continues for 48 hours it is a standard protocol at many hospitals and even smaller nursing homes to admit the patient and necessary medical intervention is considered. I was surprised that a Star facility and maternity hospital like Cradle does not have a protocol like this (unless it has one and kini wasn’t following it). I grieve for my lost baby but am angrier that I never was given a fair chance thanks to one doctor’s cocky arrogance and extreme pride. A midwife in small village would have done a lot more than kini did for me .A whole lot of money and waiting for just checking BP, weight and prescription fo folic acid tabs. I wasnt expecting a miracle but letting someone bleed for 8 days without being medically attended to is unacceptable. . I was new to this city this was my first pregnancy I depended entirely on the doctors reputation and judgment and hence learnt a very expensive lesson. I have surfed the net for a good gyn in bangalore . I thought my experience with this doctor was an exception. Now I know it has happened to other people who have seen him. . BE CAUTIONED

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