My retired wife had a Citi card & was shocked to receive two SMSs one morning informing about transactions worth 150 Canadian dollars in some FIDO store abroad while she was sipping bed tea in Delhi. She immediately called the helpline & told them she hadn't done any purchase & asked the card to be blocked. She was advised to call again after two days & then informed it can take up to 60 days. She insisted that payment to vendor must be stopped since it appeared to be a fraudulent transactions. We were advised to write to Banking ombudsman but learnt that his office can be approached only 30 days after lodging a written complaint to your bank. We then wrote to Citi & have received a reply that they are'provisionally crediting' the sum involved. I assume it is the end of the matter! I suggest to card holders to be wary since even staff can steal customer data at many points-from bank to vendors- and sell it even abroad. May you & your money stay safe!