daily4deals.com is a fraud online shopping website beware of this website , this site owner shankar rao vysyaraju is a big cheater , he is already cheated many people in Hyderabad , first he wants investment , once you invest money he sucks your valuable money , he also doing smuggling ,once you order branded item in daily4deals.com , he send you duplicate item , so many people already suffered him , he collected some big amount & escaped ,still I searching him ,this guy native place sompet,andhrapradesh , this cheater present address is
shankar rao vysyaraju
Cell no: 09439251000, 09238113211
Off no: 6802251000
vysyaa info plaza
First Floor,
Ayyappa Nilayam,
Kalika Temple Steet,
so beware of this daily4deals.com site & beware of business dealings this guy,
i will given below this fraud guy photo also
Tags :
dail4deals, vysyaa, info, plaza, Shankar, rao, vysyaraju