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By: ajeet15 | Posted: Apr 14, 2014 | Debates / Opinions | 846 Views (Updated Apr 14, 2014)

This is election time and its virus has spread the election fever all over the nation. Almost all the major leaders are giving speeches, interviews, etc. accusing each other, which has taken the blame game to the highest altitude that was never seen in recent times.

Though I always claim that I am not interested in politics but somehow I have always managed to keep myself abreast with some of the major movements in the country if not all.

Have been watching the debates, speeches, interviews of many leaders but the interview that has impressed me was the one that Rahul Gandhi gave two days ago. I do not know how many have watched that interview but that interview has attracted positive response of 69 percent when debated yesterday.

The question for discussion is - What is your opinion about Rahul Gandhi?

No need to express personal attacks as we are not having a political debate to win a seat for ourselves. Let us keep this debate to a dignified level and exchange our views about him. Negative or positive makes no difference.

This is the first time where I too will post my views on him and those too can be debated.

@jmathur @maaz_nawaz @gruchirg @anshumanmaini @javeedahmedm @sydbarett @ prasu.sreeju

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