I made a mistake of installing CNG through https://www.certifiedcng.com. And now am regretting every bit of it, not sure why I choose them when had so many local people around . Am posting this so that you guyz done get fooled by the so called professional looking site and talks of their executives.
Below is the email written to their CEO . and goes withouth saying reply is awaited.
To, Mr. Monish Khosla,
I hope this email will reach him, if not this surely will reach the media in the next 24 hours.
We got a reference of Certified CNG from someone in our family, considering the fact that we are working couple, it was a feasible option since you guyz can come and collect the vehical. We got the contact number of Sales Executive and then the nightmare started: -
7th to 9th Oct – We contacted Mr. Nitin( Sales Executive – 9930615458 / 9967288436 / 8879881315) and negotiated the prices. He assured that the Car will be picked up from our house @ Mira Rd and returned the Same day. The acknowledge slip of filling the gas will be delivered same day / next day evening. On enquiring about the placement of our music system, was assured that the CNG Kit will be fixed in such a way that it will not hamper the interiors in any way. Convinced with the communication we agreed to go ahead with it.
10th Oct – Your rep picked up the Car in the morning( post 10 AM inspite of the schedule of 9 AM) with an assurance that it will be done by evening. During the day we got end number of calls from various people( Nitin / so Called Customer Service / Management Team etc.) asking for same things. We had to abandon our meeting and attend to these calls and keep on repeating our self. Here we got to know that it’s not feasible to deliver the car today and this will happen only tomorrow.
11th Oct – Your executive came and collected the Money in Cash from my husband’s office at Jogeshwari in the first half. On enquiring about the receipt, was told will be delivered along with the Car in the evening. The car was delivered post 7: 00 hence there was no option to check the Kit since it was dark and we were assured that the slip for filling the CNG will be given to us next day.
12th Oct – We checked the CNG kit in the morning and discovered that the Back panel has not been fixed. When contacted Nitin he should you should take to an accessories guy he will make the arrangements. When we checked for fixing the panel+ speaker, we were told it’s not possible to fix the panel back since the CNG has been fitted quite high. We had to again compromise on the interiors( which has been screwed by your guyz) and leave it handing like this. Further when we wanted to fill the gas, this Nitin guy told us you take to filling station – Vasani Petrol Pump at mira road and they will fill it. If they don’t fill the gas without the receipt, we should call him and he will arrange for a person from nearby branch to assist us. When we reached the gas station, those people refuse to fill CNG without a valid receipt, when contacted Nitin didn’t even pick up the call. We had no option but to fill Petrol. EOD – When we finally managed to speak to Nitin – were told we will not receive the receipt today since being a Saturday( miraculously he discovered this after giving promises) .
12th – 15th Oct – End numbers of calls done to Mr. Nitin( who forever was found busy in a meeting) . We got hold of escalation point Mr. Vicky( 7498633838), who took our feedback about Mr. Nitin and assured that things will be taken care off. After continuously following up, we got the slip finally on 15th Oct evening. Further when we enquired about the RTO registration process Mr. Vicky shared the number of Mr. Yogesh( supposedly a RTO Expert - 8879798581) . Who first kept on telling us that we will get a SmartCard in return from RTO office post inspection, inspite of holding a RC Book. He told us that the book will be converted to SmartCard WOW….Here we kept on saying that there is need to convert the same to SmartCard and he should check the process again. The RTO Expert then came back agreeing to what we were saying. Finally he said that it takes a round a week’s time to get an appointment for RTO inspection for which we were OK. We were schedule to take a leave during 21st Oct to 25th Oct hence request him if he can schedule the date between that time for which he agreed.
16th 22nd Oct – No update form your end.
23rd Oct – We contacted Yogesh, whose cell was switched off a minutes post getting a second call wait. Then contacted Yogesh whose call was only ringing and finally Nitin who replied with an SMS stating busy in a meeting. This kept of happening for half of the day. In the evening we managed to speak to Yogesh, to whom we said that inspite of taking leaves we are not going anywhere since this work is pending. It will be great if he confirms where this will be done this week or nor. He assured a call back.
24th Oct – No communication received and again the series of Cell Switched Off, Ringing and Busy in a Meeting SMS routine happened. And here emerges Mr. Nitin again, stating that he was indeed busy all this while and was not avoiding our calls. He assured to sort out things with Yogesh and will call back. After a lot of heated arguments we were finally told in the evening that it won’t be possible this week( we are grateful to the professional approach of your organisation which screwed our vacation plans) . So Now the final and confirm date for registration given to us was 28th Oct which was again difficult since we had to resume work effective today. However understanding how “ HELPFUL” your organisation has been, we had no choice but the extend our holiday. We even sent an SMS to Mr. Yogesh for a confirmation since we were only extending the leave on account of this. We were assured that Monday 28th Oct is the final date.
28th Oct – We didn’t receive any confirmation call hence once again called Mr. Yogesh to confirm the time at which we are supposed to meet. Surprise Surprise – Mr. Yogesh says there has been confusion and can we schedule the same tomorrow. We but naturally told him that it will not be possible & we cant keep on extending our holidays because of your stupidity. We told him that it this is tomorrow then you guyz have to collect and drop the car. Mr. Yogesh said that he will check again and will communicate to us by 1 PM.
I am not surprise that didn’t receive his call and on calling got a message that he is busy. Once again we have no clue on what’s happening.
This is the most horrible service we have every come across in our life. Why the hell do you guyz promise if you can’t. Am aware outgoing is chargeable but seems like your organisation carry numbers where even incoming is chargeable. Its been more 15 days that the we are interacting with your hopeless staff, and this misery looks far from over.
Enough patience have been tried. Now I DEMAND the following:
1) Inspection of the Car today.
2) If not you will have to do a Pick Up and Drop service tomorrow for the inspection.
3) If none of above is done by tomorrow EOD, REFUND MY MONEY.
Am sure you can see the email id I am writing this email from, it wont take me long to Publish is as well.
Thanks But No Thanks….