Indians, as they think about themselves have an impression of living in the largest social, cultural, religious and all sorts of that stuff diversity accommodating country. Well, why not. As their NCERT textbooks and exaggerated feed from the Internet tells them so. But how many of them are really ready to accommodate these diversities? Majority of the Hindus still believe in monotheism and feel that they're at the pinnacle. And that?s not just with the Hindu, every caste/religion inhibits hatred for some other religion. Interests, affection, thought-process, belief and mentality should had have been independent of these differences.
A 5-year-old boy is told not to make Muslim friends by his stern Hindu parents because they've been told by their parents that Muslims are the worst humans giving a legitimate example of Osama Bin Laden and sorrows that he had delivered them. Interestingly, no one talks about Malcolm X, the human right activist. Why? Isn't he a Muslim too. Now the excuses are his American citizenship, but how does it prove that he hated all the other religions. There are both good and bad of each and everything in this world. It's better to accept the differences and appreciate what's good. Before Hindus talk about other religions, their own caste-based system is a messed-up apparatus, still cursing others for atrocities caused by communities back in the nineteenth century.
Black or white, Gujarati or Christian, rich or poor, everyone is free to live and practice whatever they feel to and want to. After all how barbaric could you be by telling your child to avoid other religions and become a monotheist just like you. It's not even his first day in school and you've already indiscreetly filled up his mind with negative thoughts. How is he supposed to differentiate between your high-end religion and the other low-profile religions you've explained him unless you've taught him to understand their characteristics before even he could speak his first word. His first friend would betray him but because he is the same religion you'll serve the Paneer Makhani made at your home with a smile more wide than the other one belonging to some other religion but who has always stayed with him at his worst times. Your religion comes before your own child, think about how selfish you are.
Yes, Adolf Hitler killed millions but Martin Luther King Jr. alternatively almost gave up his life for the people. What you lack is some perspective, so gain some. Not everyone is the same, and not everyone is to be brought up the same if you try to learn something aside from what has been passed on through generations. Life is already tough, don't make it seem worthless.