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By: VV_85 | Posted: Jan 16, 2014 | General | 872 Views

16th December’12, and I think you all know that why I am mentioning this. Almost all of us wouldn't be able to forget this month in our whole life and I can say this at least for me. Yes.You are right. I am talking about our own Nirbhaya aka Veera and Damini or from whatever name you know her. That incident which had happened on 16th December’12 is unforgettable for all of us but have we learnt anything from that incident? Do people really care about girls after that incident? Do people realize about their responsibilities toward girls? Has they changed their views or thinking toward girls? I think No.!

It was just a few months back when I and one of my friends were going for a walk around 8 or 8:30 PM. When we were walking we met a girl on the way. She was standing outside a house and she was scared. When I looked at her somehow I felt that she wanted to say something to us. And as I was expecting she stopped us and asked for help. She requested us to help her. She wanted us to leave her at her place safely as someone was following her in a car. Then I noticed that one car was standing there whose indicators were on and the first thing I did that I note down his car’s number.

She told us that she came in that house to receive her salary because she was working there and that guy in the car was following her. And when she noticed that she got scared. She was asking for help to the guard who was sitting outside of that house. But he was not ready to help her because he couldn't do that as it was his duty time. She was so scared that she wasn't able to move from that place because she knew that that guy would again follow her.

So I and my friend decided to help her. We confirmed her address and moved from there. As we moved from there that guy in the car started following us. Then I played one trick and I told them to cross the road from one shortcut. We did the same and we entered in other lane. In that lane one of my friends was staying in PG. I got into her PG with that girl so that we can take help of her. But that day she was not there so I decided not to go outside of the PG for at least 5 minutes so that that guy in the car couldn't find us. I was looking for an auto so that she can reach to her place safely but we couldn't find any auto. So after approximately 10 minutes we decided to move ahead. When we were moving on her way to home we were very alert. I was checking the number of every car. And in almost 20 minutes we were at her place. She said Thanks to us and we bid Good Bye to her.

Finally we were very happy that we did something good for that girl. But the question is that why that guard was not ready to help her and that too when he knew that she is in danger? What if her daughter was in her place? I don’t know why people only care for their own daughters/sisters or wives? Why don’t people think that they should help every girl? May be some day another person can help their daughters or sisters or wives? Nothing will change if we will not change our way of thinking. Candle March will not change anything if we will not change ourselves from inside. There is no benefit to regret after such incidents. Please people…change your way of thinking to make this world a better place to live!

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