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By: BenRoss | Posted: Feb 23, 2013 | General | 237 Views

Don't Beat Yourself Up Over a Mistake..

If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. —2 Corinthians 5:13

There are some actions of the past in some of us that we will probably never, never, never know for sure whether they were right or wrong. That is, we will never know until we get to heaven. God also lets some things remain in suspension to keep us from taking ourselves too seriously!

And what is the best attitude to adopt from then on? I answer: we learn to laugh at ourselves. Leave it to God. Have a laugh! The truth is, God for the moment has chosen not to tell us whether what we said or did was right! We might as well laugh, because crying about it won't help! If you make a choice whether to laugh or cry, why punish yourself?

Giving something over to God is a great privilege. We cast our anxiety upon Him because He cares for us (1 Pet. 5:7). Once we cast our care on Him—leaving our burden to the Lord, we should not look back. The highest level of proof that we really have cast our care upon the Lord is to forget the whole thing and just laugh!

People who take themselves too seriously cannot laugh at themselves. They certainly cannot bear to be laughed at. But when we don't take ourselves too seriously, we will not take it so hard when we are laughed at, and therefore we can enjoy laughing with them—at ourselves!

God is in no hurry to give us the shaking of the shoulders or the slap on the wrist—or whatever we may need. I just know one thing: God tends to deal with me sooner or later, and often sooner—especially if it has to do with a cross word with Louise, my children, or a close friend. I am just thankful that He doesn't let me get away with things!

  • Excerpted from Controlling the Tongue (Charisma House, 2007).

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