I gifted my wife Karbon S5 as this was best phones in september 2013.But it was a big crime committed by me trusting brand like KARbon.The phone spoiled in December,camera started malfunctioning, network issue, Call dropping, Had to talk on speaker phone as sound was not audible. We gave the phone to service center in november 1st week and received it on 3rd week stating that camera was fixed and there was operating system issue so they have upgraded the os.
My wife did not check it and trusted on the service center engineer,After coming back home we were so annoyed the motion sensor was not working, phone was unresponsive after 24 hrs of uptime. and in later stages it was having all the problems as mentioned during the first call.we went back to service center and they said it will take 90 days for the mother board to be replaced as it needs to send the piece to delhi. Now I am wondering if delhi is located on earth or Saturn that it will take 90 days for them to return back my phone.
What about my warranty,I have lost my 90 days plus 2 weeks ealier .My wife is with out phone and it indirectly spoiled relation between us as due to communication gap.my child was admitted in the hospital and we could not reach my wife because of unavailablitiy of mobile phone.I have to buy her a new Nokia phone as I could not let me family suffer for Unavailability of karbon mobile.
My recommendation to all the users please dont buy karbon phones as they have a patetic service reponse. As when the phone was purchased there was no terms and condition stating about 90 days tenure for phone repair. If Its going to take 90 days for repair then customer should be provided the standby phone.As his work and committement are hamperred beacuse of the rotten shet phone created by karbon.
Udaya Gujaran