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By: amrishsingh0306 | Posted: Mar 02, 2016 | General | 222 Views

Today, I am going to share my views on the ongoing education system. Being a teacher, sometimes I find myself in dilemma that with this present system of education and approach, which direction we are taking to our students in? Is the job of a teacher only to teach the students with their respective subjects and judge the students by the grades they achieve in their report cards? I think that we should understand this fact that a teacher is not only to teach the students but to educate them. To educate them in such a way that after completing their schooling the student

  1. could become self confident

  2. could Possess leadership quality

  3. could be provided as an asset to the country.

  4. could have feeling of brotherhood and fraternity

  5. could be able to face the real world

  6. could prove him or herself as a good citizen of country.

Every teacher should ask themselves whether they are making any contribution to develop these qualities in the students or not.

Teaching is not a kind of job where one works for seven or eight hours and get paid for it on a fix date of every month. It is the responsibility for creating and bringing up the next generation of our society. We are in the process of shaping the future of our country and during this process we must be very careful regarding Do?s and Don?ts.

It is true that we have our limitations and problems too, because we have to perform many other task with the teaching and we get the students from the different sections of the society who are in need to be treated in different ways but we have limited resources and limited time to do so. But again, as we are the teachers, as we have taken the responsibility to educate them, we will have to bear the pain and will have to use the available resource in the best possible way. In this process the role of primary teachers is the most important. It is easier to mould the students according to us in the early years of their school life. If we are able to do this successfully, the work of middle and higher secondary teachers becomes easier. So I request to all my colleagues in primary teaching to realize their importance and pay more attention to develop the moral values in the students along with the academics. This is again a demerit of our ongoing education system that the ?Moral science? which is one of the most important part of our culture is not included in our curriculum as a main subject. Our society pays more attention on moral values of an individual one but in academics the score of Moral Science is not added in the final report of students. Because of this, the students and sometime teachers also don?t take it seriously. So this is our responsibility to impart this moral based education to the students especially up to the middle classes. If we are able to do this then we can have a generation to be proud of. cont.

Amrish Singh

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