It was music to ears when the news broke out that Entry tax @ 12% has been abolished by the Karnataka High Court ruling the RTO act as unconstitutional under the section of 4B and 4BB of entry of goods into local area act amended in 1994. The judge also quashed the july26,2003 notification which had sought collection of tax with retro effect. If one has paid the tax under duress than one is entitled for refund too.
We had to shell out nearly 12342 bucks when we moved our car from Mumbai to Blore on transfer. In Mumbai we had already borne the life time tax amounting to 14 k. Now for a transferable employee this is a huge burden on their purse for no fault of theirs.
The judge has right pronounced that constitutional makers have guaranteed freedom of movement within the country, one can seek professional growth by being mobile to any part of the country. In a public sector organisation one needs to be prepared for a transfer mentally and physically. This step will lead to the concept of one country and one citizenship. The benefit of economic development should reach each and every region . The parting statement that the people should sink or swim to-gether is wonderful message. The artificial barricades created by fleecing the people who have gone out of the state should not be penalised. Kudos to the high court judgement now I can apply for refund.