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By: catscan | Posted: Dec 28, 2013 | General | 883 Views

Highly evil people at religious places

I have seen that people who are the most accessible to divinity are also the most evil, as is seen in the trustees of many religious places.These people just divert their black, ill gotten wealth in the name of religion, while all the time playing the filthiest politics with the inmates of the ashram, other members, and they have a hidden evil agenda.

Most of these evil people are full of lust, and they may even have multiple partner syndrome, or they may be highly intelligent but evil people.These people possess the pride that their crimes will never be caught, so they go about their daily routine in utter criminality.

The worst part is that no one can prove that these people are evil, and those who do open the case up, are ridiculed, or are termed insane.

There is an evil plot to possess all the blessings of god for their own near and dear ones, and they keep god away from the masses.Most of these caretakers of power have a very vile attitude towards those who practise righteous values, or those who wear ochre robes, labelling them parasites on the wealth of the rich and prosperous.

These people also may be serial killers undergoing the highest level of psychosis, instead of the image they portray of god fearing, religious mice.So what if they haven’t been found with weapons in their hands, isn’t it the intent that counts?

So, we must be wary of such highly criminal people who pose as peace lovers; nay, even some of the females who may be she males, eunuchs or some such species are actually very evil to the core.Their natures can be determined by how they treat good people. U will see that such people are always at loggerheads with divine people, and in fact, they may even hate the divinity they are supposed to protect, like the Swamis of the place.

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