On a summer noon under the scorching sun..Shaun lay defeated; he had lost the run
Smudged with dust and dirt on his face, his heart was pounding at it's fastest pace...
He lay there on the field without a move, nothing to say and nothing to prove
As he rose up.. With a bruised knee and bitter pain
He realised, he'd lost a race Once Again!!
It was a similar story for him in school, almost everyone treated him like a fool
With failed reports and poor results, his family too shared his due insults
A cold shoulder from friends n cursed by his own, engulfed with the misery he'd so long borne.
Although vices were his only treasure, he loved his mother beyond any measure
All he wanted was a smile on her face, through simple deeds or a victorious race...
But Alas! all his efforts fell in vain..As days flew by it tripled his pain
Even God seemed to fall deaf on all prayers, Thee was his only hope to vanquish his fears
A day came soon that saw him in bad company, he fled away from home with a friend named Tony.
But he couldn't go far..he froze in dismay, his legs felt soft like dark wet clay;
for he knew his mother's heart would sink! A price too high for him to pay.
With passing time, his miseries soar high
He cried until his eyes ran dry
One day it touched the brink of gorge..Shaun was detained for an act of forge
Burning in agony and tormented by life..He wanted to abort this endless strife
On the edge of a cliff with a bottle of poison
He saw a way-out..his only solution!
As he stood there helpless, sighing and sobbing
His heart raced and his thoughts were fighting!
Flashes of his life ran past him, vivid glimpses that would end in a sin
In a fit of rage he threw away the poison
and decided firmly to redeem his condition ...
With a stroke of good luck and mighty perseverence, his years flew by with consistent performance.
Time had brought him enviable success, his sorrow dissipated and the burden felt less
With astronomical endeavors and fate on his side, The Gods were happy and the heavens blessed his pride.
As Shaun continues to new heights of glory, he often reckons his dark past story!
He's no more a black sheep but his family's pride, his efforts have paid-off on all the times he's cried.
He has won the race! The race of his LyfE!
The flavour of success is sweetest after u've failed, it's not just during happy times but across crises when u've sailed!
and as Paulo Cohelo's Alchemist says - 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...' and it's NEVER too late to take that step no matter how far u've sailed!
Tags :
of, childhood, excerpts, tainted, memories...